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The Kosher Conversation: A STAR-K Media Production

Welcome to The Kosher Conversation, a podcast with in-depth conversations about all things kashrus-related, and featuring interviews with kashrus professionals discussing their successes, challenges, and what you need to know to be an educated kosher consumer. Send your questions and comments to [email protected].


Eating Well on Pesach: Shiurim for Matzah and Wine for Healthy Individuals and Those With Diabetes or Other Medical Conditions

March 2025

The challenges of diabetes and other health conditions are magnified on Pesach. Aside from the numerous large meals that we have on any Yom Tov, Pesach adds a new set of concerns: the consumption of four cups of wine and set amounts of matzah during the Seder. Before discussing the challenges specific to the Seder, let’s begin by addressing eating during Pesach generally.

Eating Well on Pesach: Tips and Strategies

Enjoying our Yom Tov meals is an important aspect of how we celebrate Pesach. A health concern that may impact how you eat need not decrease your enjoyment of Pesach. There are many aspects of meals on Pesach that can be optimized to enhance your enjoyment.

► Designing the Menu

When planning your meals, consider the variety of foods. Having multiple foods on the table that are good for your health will allow your meals to feel plentiful. For some people, that means […]

Glossary of Terms

Submit Request to Add New Term

Alos Hashachar – dawn

Bar Mitzvah – a 13-year-old boy who is required to observe the commandments; also refers to the celebration commemorating the boy reaching that age

Bas Mitzvah – a 12-year-old girl who is required to observe the commandments; also refers to the celebration commemorating the girl reaching that age

Batul – nullified

Birkas Hamazon (“the Grace After Meals”) – blessing after a meal that included bread

Bishul Akum – food cooked by a Gentile

Bishul Yisroel – food prepared under the supervision of a mashgiach

Bris Milah – circumcision of a baby boy, usually when he is eight days old

Brachos – blessings

Charoses – a symbolic mixture of fruit, wine and nuts eaten at the Passover seder meal

Chatzos Halylah – midnight (halfway between sunset and sunrise)

Chatzos Hayom – midday (halfway between sunrise and sunset)

Chodosh (lit. “new”) – a grain from the “five species” (wheat, barley, oats, rye and spelt) […]

Pesach Shiurim for Matzah and Wine: For Healthy Individuals and Those With Diabetes or Other Medical Conditions (Abridged Article)

March 2025

Download PDF of Article

NOTE: A more comprehensive version of this article – Eating Well on Pesach: Shiurim for Matzah and Wine for Healthy Individuals and Those With Diabetes or Other Medical Conditions – provides additional details on this important topic.

Halacha tells us how much wine and matzah one must eat at the Seder. Anyone whose healthcare providers recommend dietary modifications that affect eating matzah or wine should consult with a rav to find out how to follow those health recommendations within halachic guidelines.


The guidelines for minimum shiurim for matzah shown below are based on the psak of Rav Moshe Heineman shlit”a. For hand matzah, these calculations are based on Pupa-Tzelem matzos, which are approximately 9 matzos/lb. Note that matzos baked by other matzah bakeries have different sizes and measurements, which will affect the amount required for a shiur as well as […]

Eretz Tzvi: Halachos of Visiting Eretz Yisroel

Kashrus Kurrents Winter 2025 Issue | Updated February 2025

Eretz Yisroel is also called Eretz Tzvi. Chazal explain that, like the skin of a tzvi (a deer), which stretches beyond its natural state, the Land of Israel likewise expands to accommodate its inhabitants.[1] The Talmud states that anyone who walks four amos in Eretz Yisroel merits a place in the World to Come.[2] From here, some poskim derive that one fulfills a mitzvah merely by visiting Eretz Yisroel, even if one intends to stay for just a short while.[3]

Anyone planning a trip should be mindful of several pertinent halachos. We will review some of these below.

Scheduling the Flight

Do not plan to land too close to Shabbos; a flight landing on Friday morning is halachically acceptable.[4]

Try to avoid leaving Israel on a fast day, as the fast will be extended and you will not […]

The Mitzvah of Pidyon Haben: A Brief Overview

Winter 2025

Mazel tov, you are the new parents of a baby boy! If the baby is the bechor of his mother – meaning that he is his mother’s first child – he will need to be redeemed by a kohen. The Torah tells us that Hashem slew every firstborn male in Mitzrayim, passing over the houses of the Bnei Yisrael. As a result, firstborn males acquired a measure of kedusha and must be redeemed by a kohen. The halachos of pidyon haben are somewhat complex and you may not have the time to familiarize yourself with them. Here, then, is a brief primer according to Ashkenazi custom.[1]

When Is a Pidyon Not Required?

If the baby is not his mother’s first child, even if he is his father’s first child

If the father is a kohen or levi, or if the mother is the daughter of a kohen or levi[...] Read More

Destination Simcha: From Meat Board to Surfboard

Winter 2025

Forty years ago, the Lakeshore Hebrew Day School of New Orleans celebrated its 10th Anniversary Dinner in one of the premier hotels in the Vieux Carré, under the supervision of the local Orthodox rabbi. The day school then housed the New Orleans Kollel, of which I was a member. The event was so special that my Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Henoch Leibowitz ztz”l, was brought in as the guest speaker.

Before the event, we met extensively with the hotel chef, the pastry chef, and the food and beverage director to ensure that – even though the hotel was kosher certified – there would be no kashrus hiccups. When the big day arrived, I came with a crew made up of the chevrei hakollel to supervise the cooking for the event. Imagine our alarm when the chef showed us the “kosher” soup kettle – gleaming on the inside but encrusted with crawfish […]

The Perils of Partnering with a Party Planner

Winter 2025

[Sidebar to “Destination Simcha: From Meat Board to Surfboard.”]

For many people, juggling and coordinating all the details involved in planning a simcha – from booking the hall, arranging the décor, designing the invitations, planning the menu, ordering the food, to running random errands – is simply … overwhelming. Enter the party planner. This increasingly popular option has been gaining traction over the last few years, but not without its perils.

Party planners offer concierge services to help alleviate much of the stress involved in planning a simcha. They are typically more affordable than a full-service caterer who is under a hashgacha. Party planners work within your budget to offer any number of services at different tiers: they may handle the décor and design but may leave it to you to bring in your own food, or they can coordinate everything from “soup to nuts.” This is when the problems […]

Approved OB/GYN Medications & Products: Important Supplemental Information

Updated November 2024

APPROVED OB/GYN MEDICATIONS & PRODUCTS is a USA-only list reviewed by STAR-K for year-round use. IT IS NOT A PASSOVER LIST.

►The list includes kosher approved products that are often prescribed by an OB/GYN.

►Products are approved only when sold in the United States in the indicated form (e.g., caplets, tablets).

PremarinPrempro and Prometrium, which are not kosher medications, are not included in the list. These are addressed in the STAR-K Kashrus Guide for the OB/GYN Patient article on this site.

►Company names are indicated for prescription drugs.

►The list indicates only the kosher status of a product. With respect to the use of any particular product due to other halachic issues, a rav should be consulted.

►Consult your physician before taking any medication.

Related Articles and Lists

OB/GYN Medications & Products

STAR-K Kashrus Guide for the OB/GYN Patient

Over-the-Counter Medications

The STAR-K OTC Medicine List: Understanding How the List was Compiled

The STAR-K OTC […]

The STAR-K OTC Medicine List: Important Supplemental Information

Updated November 2024

APPROVED OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS is a USA-only list reviewed by STAR-K for year-round use. IT IS NOT A PASSOVER LIST.

►Products are approved only when sold in the United States and in the indicated form (e.g. caplets, children’s). For products sold outside the USA, contact the local kashrus agency.

►The list is a small sample of frequently used over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Prescription medications are generally not included.

►If a medication is not listed, it may still be kosher. One should consult a rav.

►Certifying agencies are indicated next to products that have kosher certification.

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: It is imperative that each individual understands that under no circumstances should one refrain from taking a prescribed medication or withhold such a medication from children without discussing the matter with a competent rav and/or physician.

STAR-K Certified Companies

For a list of companies that produce kosher certified vitamins, nutritional supplements and over-the-counter products […]

Mashgiach Managerial Positions in DC Area


Excellent management opportunity for STAR-K mashgichim in Washington, DC.

Two full-time positions available immediately

Candidates who are willing to work part-time will be considered as well

Candidates who opt for full-time positions may qualify for a generous benefit package

To apply, complete our online application and mark it to the attention of either Rabbi Zvi Holland or Rabbi Dovid Stern

Please share this post with any qualified mashgiach who may be interested.

Thank you.

Food Service Mashgichim

Food Service Mashgichim


STAR-K has multiple full- and part-time Food Service Mashgiach positions available in restaurants and other establishments in the Silver Spring/Rockville, MD, and Washington, DC, areas.

Qualified candidates must be able to commit to a schedule, take responsibility for kashrus compliance and other duties, and work well with others. Experience is preferred but not necessary.

Compensation: $20/hour plus overtime.

Complete our online application form to apply and mark it to the attention of Rabbi Zvi Holland. Be sure to include your resume with your application.

For more information, contact [email protected].

Part-Time Mashgiach in Silver Spring


STAR-K is seeking a qualified candidate to work about 20 hours/week, Wednesday-Thursday, as a mashgiach at Shalom Kosher, in Silver Spring, Maryland. Good pay.

Complete our online application form to apply and mark it to the attention of Rabbi Zvi Holland. Be sure to include your resume with your application.

For more information, contact [email protected].

From Dregs to Riches

Fall 2024

In medieval folklore, alchemists were supposedly able to transform lead into gold. Their craft was the stuff of fantasy. But in contemporary life, through the wonders of kosher food science, we are witness to a veritable world of transformation. An impressive example of chemical transformation that would make an alchemist envious is the production of silica gel.

The Chemical Transformation of Sand

Silica gel is a desiccant. It is a highly versatile industrial product, used to absorb moisture in toothpaste, paint and telephone wires, among a myriad of other uses. Granules of silica gel fill the little white packets marked “do not swallow” in your shoe boxes. Kosher food applications include silica gel in spices as an anti-caking agent or as an absorbent in an oil refinery.

Chemically, the basic raw material for silica gel is sodium silicate. More simply, we know it as sand. When sodium silicate is mixed with sulfuric […]

West Meets East: The Beauty of Sephardi Minhagim

Fall 2024

True to Hashem’s promise, the children of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov are today scattered in countries across the globe, upholding the teachings of the Avot and perpetuating our beautiful mesorah, each according to his own traditions.

A Brief History

Until the 1970s, American Jewry – then comprised mainly of Ashkenazim – was largely unfamiliar with the minhagim of Sephardi Jews[1] and the Bnei Edot Hamizrach.[2] That changed after 1976, when Rabbi Herman Neuberger zt”l embarked on a daring mission to travel to Iran and bring a small group of young Iranian bochurim to Baltimore to learn at Ner Israel. Iranian Jewry in those days had few opportunities to study Torah. This took place during the reign of the westernized, secular leader Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Rabbi Neuberger’s plan was that once they earned semicha, the newly ordained rabbis would return to Iran to teach.

Hashem had other plans. […]

A Higher Calling: Maintaining Kedushas Kehuna on Land, Air and Sea

Fall 2024

The Torah tells us that Ahron and his sons were appointed by Hashem to serve as the first kohanim. The status of kehuna passes from father to son, in that a son of a male kohen is also a kohen. The kohanim were ordained to serve in the Beis Hamikdash and commanded to fulfill specific mitzvos.[1]

Among these is the obligation for male kohanim to preserve their kedusha and to prohibit becoming tamei meis – that is, becoming defiled through contact or exposure to a dead body.[2] Even though we no longer have a Beis Hamikdash, kohanim in our time are still required to observe all the halachos of tumas meis, both in and outside of Eretz Yisroel.[3] A kohen is restricted from becoming tamei even from an akum meis (the body of a deceased aino Yehudi).[4] At times of significant need, […]


The STAR-K site offers helpful information related to the halachos of schach mats, certified schach manufacturers and local establishments that have a sukkah on their premises. Links to these are articles, podcasts and webinars are provided below for your convenience.

Local Establishments

The following are STAR-K certified restaurants and facilities in the Baltimore area that have sukkahs available for their customers:

Accents Grill

Caramels Pizza

Cocoacinos/Pie 18 Cafe

Croustille Cafe

David Chu China Bistro

Goldbergs Bagels

King David Nursing Home

Mama Leah’s Pizza

Mangal Food Truck

Serengeti Steakhouse

Taam Thai Asian Fusion

The Club Grill

Tudor Heights Assisted Living

Yesh Hummus Grill Yossi’s Falafel

Schach-Related Articles, Podcasts and Webinars

Kosher Certified Schach Manufacturers

Guide to STAR-K Certified Schach – HaRav Moshe Heinemann shlit”a (August 2013)

Undercover: The Halachos of Schach – HaRav Moshe Heinemann shlit”a (Fall 2009)

Podcast: Arba Minim with HaRav Mordechai Frankel

Audio Recording of Shiur on Schach Mats by Rabbi Zvi Goldberg

Webinar: Halachos of Sukkah Mats

Webinar: Sukkahs-To-Go and Schach Mats – with Rabbi Zvi […]

Pas Yisroel Guidelines 5785

The Shulchan Aruch (O.C. 603:1) states that during the Aseres Yimei Teshuva, even those who are generally not stringent about only eating Pas Yisroel should do so, and avoid eating bread items baked by an aino Yehudi, known as pas palter.

Bread (or pas) is defined as baked goods that are made from the five primary grains: wheat, barley, oats, rye and spelt. All other grains are not considered pas. Cooked or fried items are also NOT considered “bread” items[1] for Pas Yisroel purposes.

It is important to note that if a Yehudi is involved in any part of the baking process (e.g., he only turned on the fire or oven or placed the food into the oven), that is enough to render any items subsequently baked to be considered Pas Yisroel. Just preparing the dough is not enough. Additionally, if an item is par-baked and needs further baking to […]

Tevilas Keilim: Basic Guidelines

Updated February 2025

For a more in-depth treatment of this topic, please refer to The Mitzvah of Tevilas Keilim by Rav Moshe Heinemann shlit”a.

For a comprehensive listing of kitchen utensils, and which require tevila – with or without a bracha – and which do not, please refer to the STAR-K Tevilas Keilim Chart.


The utensil to be immersed must be completely clean – i.e., free of dirt, dust, rust, stickers, labels or glue. (Practical Tip: WD-40 is very effective in removing adhesive.) One should wet their hands in the mikvah water, hold the vessel in the wet hand and say, “Baruch…asher kid’shanu b’mitzvosav v’tzivanu al tevilas keili” – keilim for multiple utensils – and immerse the vessel(s).

If one forgot to make the bracha, the immersion is valid.

The water of the mikvah must touch the entire vessel, inside and out.

The entire vessel must be under water at one […]


A fascinating compendium of shailos and teshuvos (questions and answers) addressed by Harav Mordechai Frankel shlit”a, Director of the STAR-K Institute of Halacha, over the years. Most of these originally appeared in various issues of Kashrus Kurrents between 2008-2023.

THE MESORAH ON DUCK EGGS – Kashrus Kurrents, Summer 2023



PETTING AN ANIMAL ON SHABBOS – Kashrus Kurrents, Spring 2018






SECURITY CAMERAS ON SHABBOS – Kashrus Kurrents, Winter 2015


STAR-K Kosher Traveling Guidance – Articles and Videos

The STAR-K site provides a variety of informative halacha-related articles and videos pertaining to kosher travel. Refer to the links below for guidance before your next trip.


Going Away for Pesach? Guidelines for Hotel and Airbnb Guests – Rabbi Zvi Goldberg (January 2025)

The Traveler’s Halachic Guide to Hotels – Rabbi Zvi Goldberg (Updated February 2024)

Navigating the Ins and Outs of Renting an Airbnb – Rabbi Zvi Goldberg (Winter 2024)

A Traveler’s Guide to Tefilas Haderech – Rabbi Dovid Heber (Summer 2021)

When You Can Drink and Drive: The Halachic Implications of Drinking Coffee on the Road – Rabbi Baruch Beyer (Spring 2019)

Don’t Miss the Boat: Halachic Guidelines of Kosher Cruises – Rabbi Zvi Goldberg (Fall 2018)

Time Flies: A Guide to Time-Related Halachos When Flying – Rabbi Dovid Heber (Fall 2017)

STAR-K Certified Food Options Take Off at JFK, LaGuardia and Newark Airports – (Feb 2016 | […]

Wolf Certified “M” Series Wall Ovens

June 6, 2024

The Sabbath Mode in the models listed below was not correctly implemented according to STAR-K specifications. Pressing “+” or “-” to adjust the temperature causes a display change on the screen, which is forbidden on Yom Tov.

One may not adjust the temperature of these ovens on Yom Tov, even when in Sabbath Mode. All other Sabbath Mode functions work properly.

New Model # (Old Model #)

SO3050TM/S/T (SO30TM/S/TH)

SO3050CM/B (SO30CM/B)

SO3050CM/S (SO30CM/S)


DO3050CM/B (DO30CM/B)

DO3050CM/S (DO30CM/S)

This alert does not impact Professional style “M” Series wall ovens with knob controls.

Wolf is aware of the issue and will include a resolution in their next software update.

If you own one of these models, contact the Wolf service department at 800-222-7820 to report the problem. They will arrange a service appointment when the update is ready.

Going Up: All About Shabbos Elevators

Summer 2024

Historians claim that two hundred and twenty-four slaves were needed to operate the pulleys of the elevator system in the Colosseum of Rome. Thankfully, technology has come a long way since then. Modern elevators run on electricity which has necessitated the development of a Sabbath Mode. In Sabbath Mode, an elevator cab moves continuously up and down the elevator shaft, stopping at every floor. However, as will be explained, not all Sabbath Modes are the same.

Physics 101: How Elevators Work

There are two basic types of elevators in common use today: hydraulic and traction.

Hydraulic-Type Elevators

Hydraulics make use of the principle that liquid moved with low force over a large distance can be converted to movement with high force over a short distance. Take, for instance, a simple hydraulic jack (see Fig. 1). If the piston on the right has a surface area ten times that of the piston on […]

Warming Up: Do’s and Don’ts of Slow Cookers and Hot Plates on Shabbos

Summer 2024

Slow cookers and hot plates are the workhorses of many kosher kitchens as they enable the Sabbath-observant hostess to serve piping hot dishes to her family and guests to enhance the Shabbos seuda. In recognition of their importance in a Jewish home, it behooves us to review the halachos involving these appliances about which many users might not be aware.

This article will try to clarify the potential issues and how to address them in a practical way.

Slow Cookers

There are two basic types of electric slow cookers: an insert type (often referred to as a Crockpot®), in which a stoneware vessel sits inside a heated base; and a flatbed type, in which a metal pot sits atop a griddle base. Halachic issues involving their use include hatmana, shehiya and chazara. These will be explained below. (There are some more expensive models equipped with variable thermostats which make their usage on […]

Keeping Your Cool: Using a Refrigerator on Shabbos

Summer 2024 | Updated February 2025

As electricity began to be used as an energy source in the late 1800s and early 1900s, poskim considered how to view electricity from a halachic perspective. The posek hador, Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzinski zt”l, ruled that electric incandescent lighting is considered fire and, to reinforce this psak, he himself would recite Borei Meorei Haesh on an unfrosted incandescent light bulb. While this psak rapidly gained universal acceptance,[1] it only covered incandescent light bulbs, which are very similar to fire in that they generate both light and heat. What about the many other applications of electric power which do not share these characteristics?

Electricity and Halacha

There are two basic approaches to this issue. The Chazon Ish writes that activating any electric device is boneh (building), since the completion of a circuit involves attaching two parts and bringing the electrical device “to life.”[2]

Other […]

For Good Measure: Baking with Gluten-Free Blends, Whole Wheat Flour, Sourdough and at Challah Bakes

Spring 2024

[For a related article on the general laws of hafrashas challah, click here.]

Once upon a time, baking a loaf of bread was simple. Today, when gluten-free blends and processed whole wheat flour are found in many homes, that is no longer the case. Baking with sourdough starters and group baking at “challah bakes” have also become popular. The halachos involved are complex and bear examination.

Let’s begin with a review of the measurements necessary for mitzvos related to regular wheat flour.[1]

Mitzvos Involving Wheat Flour

Separating Challah (hafrashas challah) Without a Bracha – One should separate challah without a bracha when kneading a dough that contains at least 8 ⅔ cups of wheat flour (on average 2.6 lbs.).[2]

Separating Challah With a Bracha – There are differences of opinion as to how much flour is needed to recite a bracha. Some individuals do so when kneading at least 12 ¼ cups of flour (slightly more […]

Producción de Carne Kasher: Shechita Flies South

Spring 2024

From time immemorial, no matter where in the far-flung Diaspora, the presence of a Jewish community has always meant that there was shechita in proximity. The position of community shochet was one of a klei kodesh and the shochtim of a community were subject to the supreme jurisdiction of the local rav and/or Beis Din.  

Here, in the U.S., it was no different. On November 15, 1660, a man named Asser (Asher) Levy acquired a license to serve as the first kosher butcher in the small Dutch-controlled hamlet of Nieuw Amsterdam – now better known as New York City.[1] Ever since, maintaining a reliable supply of kosher beef has been an integral part of Jewish communal life in the U.S. Previous Kashrus Kurrents articles have offered a glimpse into the challenges shechita has faced on these shores and the changes to the way kosher meat is supplied […]

Acids in Digestion

Spring 2024

When my father z”l went to pharmacy school at George Washington University, his course of study had a heavy concentration of chemistry. His background in chemistry proved extremely useful in his forty-year career as an examiner in the U.S. Patent Office. On his workbench, he had shoe boxes with all his pharmacological paraphernalia: Bunsen burners, beakers, and little vials of litmus paper. As a child, I remember my fascination with watching the red litmus paper turn blue when dipped into a base and the blue litmus paper turn red when dipped into an acid. These were literal litmus tests, a term which over time has crept into everyday language to denote a means of determining an outcome.

Although the world of industrial kashrus may not require the deep analysis found in chemistry textbooks, it behooves kashrus administrators and mashgichim to have a working knowledge of chemical compositions and formulations. Solid […]

STAR-K Webinar: Pre-Pesach Conversation 2024

April 2024

Rabbi Zvi Goldberg and Rabbi Baruch Beyer present timely information about a variety of Pesach-related topics, including a quick review of what’s new, how to manage your food-buying budget, baby food, almond flour, kitniyos, matzah, and much much more.

Check out the wide variety of podcasts that are part of The Kosher Conversation, a STAR-K media production.

KitchenAid Refrigerator Alert

March 28, 2024

It has come to our attention that some KitchenAid KRFF577KPS 26.8 Cu. Ft. Standard-Depth French Door Refrigerator with Exterior Ice & Water Dispenser units have a malfunctioning Sabbath Mode. This issue has been identified in recently purchased units.

To determine if you own an affected unit, enter Sabbath Mode and hold down the door switches. If you hear a fan activate or deactivate when the switches are pressed and released, then Sabbath Mode is not working correctly.

KitchenAid is working on a solution to resolve the issue. In the interim, to use on Shabbos or Yom Tov, STAR-K recommends taping down the door switches along with setting Sabbath Mode.

Please email [email protected] if you would like to be notified when a fix is available.