June 6, 2008
On Friday, 3 Sivan, 5768, Rav Heinemann, Shlita discussed the recent Kol Koreh regarding raising or lowering temperatures on Yom Tov on ovens equipped with the Sabbath Mode feature.

Regarding Star-K certified Sabbath Mode ovens

Halachos of Using an Oven on Shabbos – Whether Standard or Sabbath Mode
STAR-K has worked with numerous appliance companies to make modern appliances more kosher-consumer friendly for Shabbos and Yom Tov. We have helped develop features that, in many cases, eliminate lights, icons, tones and digital displays; provide for timed bake without tones and icons; and enable temperature adjustments on Yom Tov.
The appliance companies named this constellation of features “the Sabbath mode” – a naming decision that has contributed to some confusion by consumers as to the proper halachic use of these ovens on Shabbos.
See below for a brief summary clarifying the proper halachic use of any oven on Shabbos:
1. No adjustment to the temperature is permitted on Shabbos, even in Sabbath Mode.
2. All food must be fully cooked and placed in the oven before Shabbos. No food (cooked or non-cooked) may be placed in the oven on Shabbos to re-warm or cook. This is true regarding ovens as well as warming […]