A Traveler’s Guide to the International Dateline

Published Summer 2012

Click here for a handy printable map.

In today’s global market, the furthest regions of the Earth are much closer to home than one could ever imagine.  For example, citric acid – an integral ingredient in soft drinks, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) – a common nutrient, and amino acids used in numerous food items, are produced in a variety of Star-K certified Chinese plants.  Star-K certified glycerine is manufactured in the Philippines and shipped to the United States.  Mashgichim are frequently sent to Thailand, Fiji, Vietnam, and Indonesia to oversee production of kosher spices, tuna fish, and canned fruits and vegetables.  The Star-K has an office in Shanghai to administer the supervision and inspect facilities.

Bracha On a Newly Flowering Tree: Birchas Ha’ilanos Guidelines

Spring 2009

Q: There is a bracha which is recited once a year upon seeing a newly flowering tree. I have a number of questions regarding Birchas Ha’ilonos:

When is the optimal time to say this bracha?  Does the bracha have to be said during the month of Nisan? 

What rules apply concerning the location of the person when saying the bracha?  How far away can you be from the tree when saying the bracha?  Can you be inside a house or other structure?  Can you be in a car?  Is it necessary to be at a site where there is more than one tree?

What limitations are there regarding the type of tree over which this bracha may be recited?  Does the tree need to be fruit bearing?  How old should the tree be?  Can the tree be orlah (less than three […]

Erev Shabbos GridLock: A Halachic Guide for the Delayed Friday Afternoon Traveler

Published Winter 2013

A  Halachic  Guide for the Delayed Friday Afternoon Traveler

Every few months, the phone rings on Erev Shabbos with a similar shayla:  “We are not sure if we will reach our destination in time for Shabbos.  What should we do?”  If the call comes from people who are stuck in traffic, my response has been, “Are you calling to find out the halachos, or to hear the best alternate routes to reach your destination?”