Shehecheyanu: A Timely Blessing

Kashrus Kurrents, Fall 2022

Shehecheyanu is part of many occasions and rituals. In the parlance of the
Gemara, it is often referred to as zman, the blessing of time. This bracha
expresses appreciation for special occasions in our lives – things that only
happen from time to time.

It is especially interesting that the minhagim of when Shehecheyanu
is said are often not in line with the strictest letter of the law. This
article will explore some of the common – and uncommon – halachos and minhagim
of this bracha relevant to the Moadim.

of Holiness

Shehecheyanu is said at the onset of every Yom Tov to mark the increased
holiness of the day.[1] Although
it may be said ‘even in the marketplace’ once Yom Tov has arrived, the
implication of the Gemara in several places is that the ideal time to say Shehecheyanu
is during Kiddushand, indeed, it is included in the standard text
of Kiddush.[2]
Nevertheless, the common custom is that women […]

Seeing the Forest From the Bees

Kashrus Kurrents, Fall 2022

Eretz zavas chalav u’devash was surely music to Moshe Rabbeinu’s ears, and no doubt filled his heart with anticipation of a yeshua.

When the Ribono
Shel Olam commissioning Moshe to assume the leadership of Bnei Yisroel at
the Sneh, He promised that Bnei Yisroel were to be emancipated from
their servitude in Egypt and brought to a wonderful land, an  eretz zavas chalav u’devash, a land
flowing with milk and honey. This description surely conjured
up the glorious image of a land abounding in delicious, sweet milk and heavenly
honey, a land of prosperity and, on a deeper level, an exceptional makom
that exuded kedusha v’tahara (sanctity and holiness) and the Ribono Shel
Olam’s special Providence.

description eretz zavas chalav u’devash not only serves as a beautiful
metaphor to lavish praise on Eretz Yisroel. The Gemara Bechoros points
out that this possuk is actually the mekor (source) for
permitting milk produced by a kosher mammal, as well as honey made […]

Thoughts For Food and Food For Thought: Kedushas Ha’achilah

Kashrus Kurrents, Fall 2022

During the Yamim Noraim season, it is important to focus on
our potential, who we are now and who we want to be going forward. In that
light, I would like to touch on one aspect of the topic of קדש עצמך במותר לך – sanctifying yourself
through that which is permitted to you.[1]  I would like to skim the surface of the topic
of kedushas ha’achilah – eating in a holy, noble manner.

My intent is to offer a few thoughts to help us eat a little
differently in this New Year of 5783. The Yamim Nora’im are an
auspicious time to start doing so, as it is the zman when we tend to be
in a more reflective frame of mind and become more receptive to lofty and
nuanced ideas, especially in areas of personal and spiritual growth.

Aizeh Hu Ashir: Who is

The Chofetz Chaim offers a hashkafic insight related to the metzora.
The […]

Charting the Course of Shemita

Kashrus Kurrents, Summer 2022

Eretz Yisroel is known worldwide for its high-quality produce.
During non-Shemita years, a wide selection of  Israeli produce items – among them: carrots, citrus fruits,
herbs, peppers, and radishes – are exported to North American markets. The
typical concern is to ensure that
proper terumos and maasros are taken. During Shemita, terumos
and maasros are not typically applicable[1],
but there is significant concern that the produce may be from Shemita.
If someone purchased Israeli produce from Shemita and paid cash (as
opposed to by check
or credit card), returning it to the store may also potentially violate the
prohibition of doing business with Shemita produce. If this happens by mistake, a rav
should be consulted.[2]

While it can be assumed that all vegetables currently on the
market are from the Shemita year,not all Israeli fruits yet on the market are from
the Shemita year. The Halacha is that the Shemita status of
fruits is determined by when they […]

A Consumer’s Guide to Shevi’is Produce

Kashrus Kurrents, Summer 2022

Torah commands us to refrain from working the land of Eretz Yisroel during Shemita.
The possuk states that a person may work the land of Eretz Yisroel for
six consecutive years but must allow it to lie fallow during the Shevi’is
(seventh) year.[1]
This seventh year is known as Shemita.[2] The mitzvah applies to both
men and women.[3]
Even though time-bound positive commandments generally do not apply to women,
this mitzvah is an
exception and is equally incumbent upon them.[4] 

Torah also commands us to sanctify every fiftieth year as Yovel.[5] However,
the Yovel year does not occur nowadays. This is due to the fact that Yovel
is sanctified only when the majority of Jews live in Eretz Yisroel.[6] By
the time of the destruction of the first Beis Hamikdash, the majority of Jews
had been exiled from Eretz Yisroel and Yovel no longer occurred. Although
Jews returned to Eretz Yisroel at […]

A Profile of Courage and Inspiration: A Trip To a Yerushalmi Otzar Beis Din

Kashrus Kurrents, Summer 2022

who has had the opportunity to visit Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh, as
I recently did, will tell you that a must-see experience is a trip to the Geula
neighborhood on Erev Shabbos.

Malchai Yisroel could very well be dubbed the commercial heart of the Chareidi community.
The stores pulsate with energy and electricity, while the streets teem with
traffic tie-ups, both on and off the sidewalks. It could be termed a
businessman’s dream or nightmare, depending on one’s ability to handle the
sheer crush of consumers. The side streets, on the other hand, are a labyrinth
of quiet residential apartments. One such quiet street is Rechov Yonah.

For six
out of seven years, the Stern family’s mirpeset (balcony) on Rechov
Yonah looks like any other mirpeset, but this year is not like the
others. During this year, shnas haShemita, the Stern’s mirpeset undergoes
an amazing transformation. Welcome to the Otzar of Bnei Brak – Jerusalem

In brief,
the Otzar […]

The Otzar Beis Din: Shemita’s Treasure Trove

Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff, Rav & Rosh Kollel in Neve Yaakov, Jerusalem | Guest Contributor

Kashrus Kurrents, Summer 2022

An Otzar Beis Din is literally ‘a storehouse operated
by Beis Din.’ Why would Beis Din operate a warehouse? Before
explaining more fully the true purpose of an Otzar Beis Din, which is a halachically
approved method of distributing Shemita produce, we must first review
the halachos of Shemita. These rules fall under two general

(1) Laws of the Land

The Torah teaches that every seventh year is Shemita,
and we are prohibited from working the land of Eretz Yisroel. One may not plow,
plant, prune, or harvest one’s grapevines as an owner, or perform most other
agricultural work. Furthermore, one may not allow one’s land to be worked
during Shemita, even by an aino Yehudi.[1] One
may perform activities whose purpose is to prevent loss, such as watering
plants and trees so that they do not die.[2]

The landowner may not treat […]

Good to Go With Shabbatto!

Spring 2022

People look forward to Shabbos as a day to daven in shul and enjoy
the company of other Shomer Shabbos members of the community. Unfortunately,
there are people with mobility issues who are housebound on Shabbos and, for
them, Shabbos is a lonely day. But thanks to newly developed technology by
Movinglife, an Israeli firm, the housebound now are afforded a new opportunity
to rejoin the tzibbur and to enhance their enjoyment of Shabbos. We are
very excited to announce STAR-K certification of the Shabbatto folding scooter,
a new personal mobility device with a Shabbat Mode option.

The road to certification began with Movinglife contacting STAR-K
to discuss their project. After approaching STAR-K to seek certification, the
Movinglife management team met with Rav Moshe Heinemann shlit”a, STAR-K’s
posek and Rabbinic Administrator, at his home. This initial meeting
lasted a good few hours, during which Rav Heinemann explained in detail what he
would permit and what he would forbid for Shabbos use.

Movinglife […]

Going Down Smooth: A Kosher Primer to Halachic Blending

Spring 2022

There are few things as synonymous
with summer as a fresh, cold fruit smoothie, a classic hot weather staple for
many. During the summer months, the STAR-K hotline gets inundated with calls
from consumers requesting guidance to ensure their smoothies are as kosher as
they are delicious. While plain fruits and vegetables are often inherently kosher,
several of them do have a major kashrus nemesis: bugs! Those perfect looking
strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries frequently host several
common insects, like thrips, aphids and mites.

Another item that has been gaining
popularity are juiced vegetables. Kale, cilantro and spinach are among the more
popular vegetables that are juiced and then enjoyed as a drink. These, too, can
present a significant challenge to ensure that they are insect free.

The following is a short guide to
assist you in preparing your favorite kosher juiced or blended beverage.

No Checking Required

There are many delicious fruits and
vegetables that do not present any issue of infestation […]

It Depends Where They Stem From

Kashrus Kurrents, Spring 2022

is a basic principle in Halacha: kol hayotzei m’tamei tamei, kol hayotzei
m’tahor tahor. The crux of that principle is that a product derived from a
non-kosher animal will be deemed not kosher (e.g., pig milk or ostrich eggs),
while a product derived from a kosher animal will be kosher (e.g., chicken eggs
and goat milk). This definition needs more investigation when it comes to stem

we proceed with this discussion, let’s first step back to the Beginning, to the
Source of all that ‘stems.’

In the Beginning … There Was Change

is sometimes beneficial, at times detrimental, frequently challenging, and often
intriguing. If we take a closer look, change is actually the underlying
force behind brias ha’olam (creation).

Ramban offers a riveting insight into unlocking the secret of brias ha’olam
when he draws us close and says, “and now, let me tell you the secret of
creation. The Ribono shel Olam created the world yesh mi’ayin – ex
nihilo […]

Wireless Security: A Mezuzah Primer

Kashrus Kurrents, Spring 2022

Many people install alarm systems in their
homes to provide a sense of security. These systems, which may be wireless or
hard-wired, are dependent on a number of factors to operate properly: all contacts
need to be intact and connected to one another; all batteries in wireless
systems must be fully charged; the codes need to be properly set; and the entire
unit must be in good working order. All it takes is one faulty connection to
negate the whole system.

While installing man-made security systems on
our property is a reasonable act of hishtadlus, our true feeling of
security comes from the recognition that we have a Protector in heaven. The
Torah provides us with a spiritual security system: the
mezuzah attached to our doorpost. The Ribono
Shel Olam watches over our homes if we do His will, and our mezuzah is a direct
link to the ultimate ‘Central Station.’

homes are protected, however, only if the mezuzah […]

Global Brands Team Up with  STAR-K in Israel

the high demand for popular brand name food imports with a Mehadrin hashgacha
in Israel was the impetus three years ago for opening our STAR-K Israel office.
We felt uniquely qualified to begin working with Israel’s largest food
distributors due to our reputation of always maintaining a high degree of
professionalism, our food technology expertise, and worldwide presence in the
global marketplace.

was fortunate in teaming up with Rabbi Ahron Haskel who, with his many years of
experience, accepted our offer to become director of STAR-K Israel[1].
Along with his keen understanding of the intricacies of the Israeli food market
and the high regard that both kashrus professionals and food distributors have
for Rav Haskel, he was the perfect choice for this newest STAR-K venture.
Distributors such as Israel Beer Breweries Ltd (IBBL)/Coca-Cola, Osem/Nestlé, Strauss,
and Tnuva were equally pleased with the new opportunities to import Mehadrin
products for the Israeli public.

Something to Drink To!

has also been very active in providing the […]

From the STAR-K BMG Chabura: First Aide – Addressing the Halachic Challenges of Domestic and Special Needs Aides in the Home

Kashrus Kurrents, Winter 2022

families find themselves caring for aging parents or a special needs child and require
additional assistance. Hiring a live-in, an aide, or full-time cleaning help who
is an aino Yehudi can create many real halachic concerns. Here
are some of the issues we address in this article:

Basar Shenis’aleim
Min Ha’ayin
: Meat which has been left out of the watch of a Yehudi.Yichud Keilim and Bishul
: Kosher utensils which have been left unattended with an aino
Yehudi and their change in status when used by an aino Yehudi.Stam Yeinum: Wine which may
have been handled by an aino Yehudi in a way that would forbid a Yehudi
from drinking it.Yichud: If a Jewish
man or woman is left alone with a person of the opposite gender.

Basar Shenis’aleim Min Ha’ayin

The Gemara addresses a concern called basar shenis’aleim min ha’ayin about a bird that may have switched a piece of kosher meat which was not being watched […]

Sushi: The Birth of a Yiddishe Meichel

Kashrus Kurrents, Winter 2022

Our numerous sojourns through Galus not
only defined and influenced the minhagim emerging from those foreign
lands, but also infused our cuisine with bursts of ethnic diversity –  pierogi and cholopshkes from
Poland, couscous and harira from Morocco, goulash and strudel from Austro-Hungary,
and gravlax from Scandinavia. Our seudos feature dips from around the
world – schug from Yemen, hummus from the Levant, guacamole from Mexico,
and matbucha from Morocco. As our migration advanced to the shores of the goldene
medina, kosher restaurants sprang up that offered consumers a bevy of
ethnic choices, from Chinese won ton soup and Italian calzones to Persian
kebabs and Lebanese shawarma.

The latest entry to that diverse menu is the
proliferation of sushi – a traditional dish from Japan – that has been wildly
embraced by Jewish communities everywhere and is now nearly as popular as apple
pie (or potato kugel). It has found a place of prominence in virtually every
kosher restaurant, wedding […]