Kashrus Kurrents, Fall 2022
During the Yamim Noraim season, it is important to focus on
our potential, who we are now and who we want to be going forward. In that
light, I would like to touch on one aspect of the topic of קדש עצמך במותר לך – sanctifying yourself
through that which is permitted to you.[1] I would like to skim the surface of the topic
of kedushas ha’achilah – eating in a holy, noble manner.
My intent is to offer a few thoughts to help us eat a little
differently in this New Year of 5783. The Yamim Nora’im are an
auspicious time to start doing so, as it is the zman when we tend to be
in a more reflective frame of mind and become more receptive to lofty and
nuanced ideas, especially in areas of personal and spiritual growth.
Aizeh Hu Ashir: Who is
The Chofetz Chaim offers a hashkafic insight related to the metzora.
The […]