From Israel, Peru, and Manchester, Too: STAR-K’s Popular Summer Kashrus Training Programs’ Far Reach

August 2022

19th Annual Kashrus Training Program: STAR-K faculty sitting in front row, from L to R: R’ Zvi Goldberg, R’ Mayer Kurcfeld, R’ Eliyahu Shuman, Dr. Avrom Pollak, Rav Moshe Heinemann shlit”a, R’ Jonah Gewirtz, R’ Mordechai Frankel, R’ Nisson Dov Miller, and R’ Boruch Beyer; faculty standing in back, starting 2nd from L: R’ Dovid Heber, R’ Doniel Feldman, R’ Sholom Tendler, and R’ Avrohom Mushell; standing on far R: R’ Moshe Schuchman

STAR-K Kosher Certification’s
back-to-back 19th Annual Kashrus Training Program (July 25-28) and Food Service
Kashrus Training Seminar (August 1-3) attracted participants from as far away as
Ramla, Israel; Lima, Peru; and, Manchester, UK, to its Baltimore corporate
headquarters. Both certificate programs featured a Q & A session with STAR-K
Rabbinic Administrator Rav Moshe Heinemann shlit”a; and a variety of
lectures by STAR-K Kashrus Administrators; a hands-on vegetable checking
practicum; and tours of STAR-K certified establishments.

For the past two years, Joe Malay
worked as […]

STAR-K Summer 5785/2025 Kashrus Training Seminars

Registration is now open for STAR-K’s popular training seminars. Space is limited so please register early. Application forms for each program are posted in the links below.

12th Annual Foodservice Mashgiach Training Seminar

July 21-23, 2025

Foodservice Mashgiach Training Application Form

22nd Annual Kashrus Training Program
July 28-31, 2025

Kashrus Training Program Application Form

Both programs will be held at STAR-K’s Baltimore corporate headquarters.

Each program is limited to 25 attendees.

Kashrus Training Program

This widely acclaimed four-day program provides rabbonim, certifying agency administrators, kollel members, and others serving in klei kodesh, the opportunity to meet the personalities behind the internationally recognized and trusted STAR-K symbol. Attendees will be provided with a hands-on, practical application of the Shulchan Aruch, and learn how to structure a kashrus organization, along with the ins and outs of kashrus challenges at various venues.

Seminar participants will be taken behind the scenes of a first class luxury hotel’s kosher […]

2010 Kashrus Training Seminar

Star-K’s seventh annual Kashrus Training Program was held in Baltimore from July 12 thru July 15, drawing a diverse crowd

Native South African Rabbi Jonathan Shippel founded and directed Ohr Somayach in Cape Town, where he built a Jewish learning center, a vibrant congregation, and a Jewish day school. Presently living in Manhattan’s Upper West Side, he is a much sought after international speaker and a senior lecturer for Gateways.

2009 Kashrus Training Seminar


They came from L.A. and Irvine, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and White Oak, Brooklyn and Great Neck, as well as from Baltimore, Brighton, Chicago, Lakewood, Providence, and as far away as Madison, Wisconsin.

The 26 participants of STAR-K’s sixth annual Kashrus Training Seminar, included rabbonim, kollel fellows, and others serving in klei kodesh who have studied Yorah Deah. The intensive seminar featured lectures by Star-K’s rabbinic staff members, including its Rabbinic Administrator, HaRav Moshe Heinemann, and its President, Dr. Avrom Pollak.

HaRav Heinemann spoke of the intricacies of bishul akum, in a shiur entitled, “Bishul Akum and Ne’emanus of an Akum”. Dr. Pollak discussed practical guidelines for setting up a local vaad hakashrus and gave advice for decisions one faces in doing so, in his lecture, “A Certifying Agency’s Administrative Issues”.

In addition to explaining the various segments of the kashrus industry, sessions covered […]

2008 Kashrus Training Seminar


What do Plano, Texas, Thornhill, Ontario, and Olney, Maryland have in common? They are just some of the hometowns of STAR-K’s fifth annual Kashrus Training Seminar participants.

2007 Kashrus Training Seminar


With the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492, Poland became the recognized haven for exiles from Western Europe, and the cultural and spiritual center of the Jewish people. Prior to the outbreak of World War II, it housed the second largest Jewish community in the world, with nearly 3.5 million Jews. All that changed rapidly following Nazi Germany’s invasion in 1939. Of the scant 11 percent (369,000) of the Polish Jewish population which escaped the death camps, many fled their native Poland in reaction to anti-Semitic violence or repression under Communism. Those who stayed often turned their backs on Yiddishkeit. Now that Polish Jews are feeling a new sense of tolerance and security, in their post-Cold War democracy, an increasing number are returning to their Jewish roots, which in many cases, have only recently been discovered.

[...] Read More

2006 Kashrus Training Seminar

Rabbi Chaim Moshe Levy, a Mesivta rebbe in Lakewood, New Jersey, knew it was coming, yet he still felt unprepared.  In July, he received an overseas telephone call informing him that the time had come to take over the pulpit of his deceased father, Rabbi Daniel Levy, zt”l, as the Rav of I.R.G. (Khal Adas Yeshurun) in Zurich, Switzerland.

STAR-K Hosts Eighth Annual Kashrus Training Program

Published Fall 2011

In the beginning of 2009, Rabbi Haim Levy moved from Israel to Panama to continue the work of his then recently deceased father, Chief Rabbi Sion Levy, z”l, rav of Congregation Shevet Ahim. When his father arrived in Panama City from Israel in 1951, the country was affluent, yet spiritually poor. Building the community from scratch, it is to the late Rabbi Levy’s credit that of the approximately 10,000-12,000 Jews living in Panama today, about 90% have a kosher home (of which a large percentage eat only kosher outside the home, as well), and Shabbos observance is on the rise. Presently, Panama boasts one of the largest and strongest Jewish communities in Central America.

Kashrus Training Program – REGISTRATION CLOSED

The Star-K’s widely acclaimed Kashrus Training Program has been held annually since 2004, at the Star-K offices in Baltimore, Maryland. This intensive seminar is limited to 25 students ; Rabbonim, certifying agency administrators, kollel members, and others serving in klei kodesh ; who will be taken behind the scenes of a first class luxury hotel’s kosher kitchen and a manufacturing plant. Seminar participants will also benefit from lectures delivered by Star-K administrators, audio-visual presentations, and a hands-on practicum to find the less obvious thrips and aphids hiding in a restaurant’s vegetables.