How Much Does Kosher Certification Cost? 认证费用

How much does kosher certification cost?

With staff based in China, STAR-K is able to offer very competitive rates with fast and efficient service. Most rates are quoted at a flat rate that includes travel for inspection. STAR -K does not charge an application fee. Plants which manufacture a more complicated product, thereby requiring more frequent visitations, will generally pay a higher certification fee. Before a contract is signed, a detailed cost analysis will be presented to the perspective customer for approval. We appreciate your interest in STAR-K Kosher Certification.

STAR-K 中国办事处员工以其极具竞争力的价格,为您提供快速、有效的服务。

STAR-K 并不收取申请费,但由于某些工厂的产品工艺相对复杂,需要多次审核,故而认证费用有所增加。在正式协议签署前,我们一般会提交给客户详细的报价单以便核准。

感谢您对STAR-K Kosher 认证的关注。