Instructions on Using a Kosher Vegetable Checking Cloth
- Wash produce well. (Note: Use warm water for broccoli and cauliflower.)
- Prepare a basin with water and a non-bleach and non-toxic dishwasher detergent solution. The water should feel slippery.
- Agitate the produce in the solution for 15 seconds. (Note: For broccoli and cauliflower, soak for 30 seconds BEFORE agitating.)
- Remove the produce from the basin and shake off excess water over the basin.
- Pour water through the thrip cloth.
- Check the thrip cloth over a light box for any insects.
- If insects are found, repeat steps 1-6. This can be done up to three times. If insects are still found on the third try, the produce should not be used.
IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A THRIP CLOTH: Check the water for infestation by placing a white basin over a light box.