Thrip Cloth (Shmatte Bedika) Tutorial

Instructions on Using a Kosher Vegetable Checking Cloth

  1. Wash produce well. (Note: Use warm water for broccoli and cauliflower.)
  2. Prepare a basin with water and a non-bleach and non-toxic dishwasher detergent solution. The water should feel slippery.
  3. Agitate the produce in the solution for 15 seconds. (Note: For broccoli and cauliflower, soak for 30 seconds BEFORE agitating.)
  4. Remove the produce from the basin and shake off excess water over the basin.
  5. Pour water through the thrip cloth.
  6. Check the thrip cloth over a light box for any insects.
  7. If insects are found, repeat steps 1-6. This can be done up to three times. If insects are still found on the third try, the produce should not be used.

IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A THRIP CLOTH: Check the water for infestation by placing a white basin over a light box.