Approved OB/GYN Medications & Products: Important Supplemental Information

Updated November 2024

APPROVED OB/GYN MEDICATIONS & PRODUCTS is a USA-only list reviewed by STAR-K for year-round use. IT IS NOT A PASSOVER LIST.

►The list includes kosher approved products that are often prescribed by an OB/GYN.

►Products are approved only when sold in the United States in the indicated form (e.g., caplets, tablets).

PremarinPrempro and Prometrium, which are not kosher medications, are not included in the list. These are addressed in the STAR-K Kashrus Guide for the OB/GYN Patient article on this site.

►Company names are indicated for prescription drugs.

►The list indicates only the kosher status of a product. With respect to the use of any particular product due to other halachic issues, a rav should be consulted.

►Consult your physician before taking any medication.

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The STAR-K OTC Medicine List: Important Supplemental Information

Updated November 2024

APPROVED OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS is a USA-only list reviewed by STAR-K for year-round use. IT IS NOT A PASSOVER LIST.

►Products are approved only when sold in the United States and in the indicated form (e.g. caplets, children’s). For products sold outside the USA, contact the local kashrus agency.

►The list is a small sample of frequently used over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Prescription medications are generally not included.

►If a medication is not listed, it may still be kosher. One should consult a rav.

►Certifying agencies are indicated next to products that have kosher certification.

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: It is imperative that each individual understands that under no circumstances should one refrain from taking a prescribed medication or withhold such a medication from children without discussing the matter with a competent rav and/or physician.

STAR-K Certified Companies

For a list of companies that produce kosher certified vitamins, nutritional supplements and over-the-counter products […]

The STAR-K OTC Medicine List: Understanding How the List was Compiled

Ideally, one should purchase over-the-counter (OTC) products with a reliable hechsher. STAR-K certified products contain only kosher approved ingredients. A product containing a trace of a non-kosher ingredient (even if it is batel b’shishim) cannot be certified STAR-K. Similarly, all certified products are manufactured without any keilim concerns.

Unfortunately, very few OTC products are kosher certified, and kosher consumers who require such products are often confronted with shailos (questions).

STAR-K has reviewed ingredients used in hundreds of OTC products manufactured by many of the major pharmaceutical companies, including Bayer, Bristol-Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline, McNeil, Novartis, Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, Purdue Pharma, Merck and Nestle.

In compiling a list of “approved” medications for use by one who is a choleh (ill) or has a maychush (discomfort), the following halachic guidelines were used:


►If all ingredients are kosher, there is no concern that the medicinal ingredients were produced on treif equipment (see Yoreh Deah 122:6).

►If a non-kosher […]

She Sells Sea Shells: But Are They Kosher? The Kashrus Status of Glucosamine and Other Arthritis Remedies

Fall 2001

As the kosher consumer crosses Maryland’s spectacular Chesapeake Bay Bridge, it is hard to imagine that glucosamine, one of the most widely used arthritis remedies, is derived from the seafood shells found deep in the waters below. Sea shells are not the only surprising source of muscle and joint remedies. The levona (frankincense) used in the Beis Hamikdash, deer antlers, and an array of animals – including sharks and bees – also contain the raw materials of over-the-counter arthritis supplements.

STAR-K receives numerous inquiries regarding these products. This is no wonder, as over 40 million Americans suffer from some form of arthritis, and billions of dollars are spent each year on prescriptions and remedies. The following is an overview of how these products are manufactured and their kashrus status. Note: See disclaimer below.1


The raw material for most glucosamine comes from crab, shrimp or lobster shells. Unlike oyster […]

STAR-K Kashrus Guide for the OB/GYN Patient

Updated November 2024

When visiting an obstetrician/gynecologist, a patient may be given prescriptions or recommendations for an array of products by her physician. The patient may be confused about whether a particular product is kosher. The following guide was prepared to help clarify the kashrus issues regarding these products.[1]

Ideally, one should purchase medicinal products and vitamins with a reliable kosher certification. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. In the event a product is not kosher approved, one should consult her rav, as one does with any halachic question.

The following guidelines in this regard are the halachic ruling of Rav Moshe Heinemann shlit”a, STAR-K Rabbinic Administrator.

NOTE: The following are general halachic guidelines and cannot possibly cover all scenarios. Under no circumstances should an individual forgo taking a prescribed medication without first consulting her physician and rav.


A choleh […]

A Kashrus Guide to Medications, Vitamins, and Nutritional Supplements

Click here to view the STAR-K Medicine List

Global sales of pharmaceutical products are expected to reach 500 billion dollars annually.1 It is therefore no wonder that the interest in kosher certification and approval for these products has also skyrocketed. Ideally, one should purchase these products with kosher certification. However, this is not always practical. It is for this reason that one of the most frequently asked questions on the Star-K hotline relates to the kosher status of these remedies. In an effort to clarify the numerous issues regarding these popular products, the Star-K has prepared the following halachic guidelines based on the psak of Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, shlita, Rabbinic Administrator of Star-K Kosher Certification.2

The Visitor’s Halachic Guide to Hospitals

Published Spring 2009
Updated Fall 2018

A person visiting a hospital patient is performing the great  mitzvah  of  bikur cholim .  It is one of the  mitzvos  for which a person reaps benefits in this world, while the principal reward is saved for the next world.  While visiting the sick, some  halachic  issues may arise.  This article addresses these issues from the visitor’s point of view.  Questions affecting the patient (such as adjusting the bed, using the call button, and asking the staff to perform tasks on  Shabbos ) are important issues that should be posed to one’s rabbi.