Rabbinic alumni from Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) visited STAR-K Kosher Certification’s offices, during their Yarchei Kallah, held in Baltimore, Maryland, April 22-24. Participants traveled from as far away as Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and Oakland, California, for this annual event for American and Canadian Rabbonim, coordinated by Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter, University Professor of Jewish History and Jewish Thought and Senior Scholar at Yeshiva University Center for the Jewish Future.
“One of the highlights of our trip to Baltimore was the opportunity to meet with the leadership of the STAR-K who graciously hosted our group at their offices,” said Rabbi Schacter. “We came away very impressed by the work the STAR-K does in the field of kashrus supervision and research.”
Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, Mara D’Asra of Beth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto Congregation (“The BAYT”), sent STAR-K the following letter of appreciation for hosting the Yarchei Kallah: “Thanks so much to STAR-K for having our chaburah as your guests. It was truly a wonderful experience. Definitely worth the trip of flying all the way from Toronto… It is truly inspiring to see a Rav who speaks his mind and expresses his shittos openly, even if his position may not be agreed upon by other kashrus agencies. This was very refreshing for all of us. We all felt very welcome by the STAR-K to call upon your resources in the future for shailos and consultations. Thank you again for the wonderful experience.”
Rabbi Judah Dardik, senior rabbi of Beth Jacob Congregation in Oakland, California, also felt that the long trip was very much worth it. “As a community Rav, my life revolves around teaching Torah to varied segments of community in a variety of different ways. For me, coming to a Yarchei Kallah is a breath of fresh air; a chance to be a Talmid (student) again for a few days. It is worth every minute to come across the country to sit and learn from Rav Schacter, Rav Heinemann and Rav Frand. I go back to my community refreshed and full of new ideas in learning to share and build upon with the Oakland Bay Area community.”
As Rabbi Shmuel Silber, Rav of Suburban Orthodox, Congregation Toras Chaim, and host of the Yarchei Kallah, summed up the event: “Yeshiva University is committed to its musmachim and their continued success in serving Klal Yisroel. We had very meaningful experience learning from Rabbi Dr. Schacter, spending time at Ner Israel with Rabbi Frand and Rabbi Weisbord and a wonderful afternoon at the STAR-K with Rabbi Heinemann, Rabbi Holland and Rabbi Frankel. We emerged from the Yarchei Kallah recharged, rejuvenated and more thankful for the incredible zechus to serve the Jewish people.”