Separating Challah When Giving the Bread Away

Kashrus Kurrents Summer 2014

Q: I have heard that someone who bakes loaves of bread with the intention of giving them to other people does not separate challah with a brocha. Can you explain the parameters of this halacha?

A: One is obligated to perform the mitzvah of separating challah when kneading dough which will be baked into bread. The amount of flour one must knead in order to be obligated in this mitzvah is an asiris ha’aifa, which is equivalent to the volume of 43⅕ beitzah.1 The exact volume of a beitzah is a matter of dispute. L’halacha, one should separate challah without a brocha when kneading 2.6 lbs. of flour, which on average is equivalent to 8⅔ cups of flour. According to Rav Chaim Noeh, one can separate challah with a brocha when kneading 3.675 lbs. or more of flour (on average, 12¼ cups). Many follow the opinion of the […]

A Halachic Guide to Seudas Shabbos and Lechem Mishna

Summer 2014 | Updated August 2024

One of the highlights of the week is the Shabbos seuda. The divrei Torah, zemiros, Shabbos delicacies, family and guests allow us to come closer to the Ribbono Shel Olam and recharge our ruchniyus and gashmiyus (spiritual and physical) batteries. Although a delicious bowl of chicken soup on Friday night and hot cholent during the daytime seuda enhance the Shabbos meals, one does not fulfill his obligation of Seudas Shabbos with either of these items. What is necessary to fulfill one’s obligation for Seudas Shabbos?

I. Seudas Shabbos

Men and women are obligated to eat three meals every Shabbos. Each “meal” must consist of bread.1 Chinuch-age children are also obligated. On Yom Tov, one2 is obligated to eat only two seudos as there is no obligation for a third meal.

Ideally, one should eat the volume of a k’beitza v’yoser[...] Read More

Zman Cheiruseinu

Published Summer 2014
There was a story told about a very elderly Yid who was in the hospital with medical complications. The doctor came in with the patient’s test results and said, “Mr. Goldberg, your blood pressure is high and your cholesterol is high. You must change your diet. No more chopped liver; nothing cooked in chicken schmaltz.” Mr. Goldberg peeked out from under his blanket as his children were attending him, looked the doctor straight in the eye and said, “Vos vais a doctor vos a yid darf essen!”1

Although Judaism frowns upon a ‘Live to Eat’ mantra, eating does play a central role in the life of a Torah observant Jew. How can one observe Shabbos without Kiddush and Hamotzi? Who can observe a Pesach seder without matza? A Melava Malka, a Purim seuda, dipping an apple in the honey on Rosh Hashana – our calendar and our chagim […]

Taam Tov Btuv Taam: A Flavorful Blend of Kashrus and Spices

Published Fall 2014

Unquestionably, the one area of food ingredients that attests to the global nature of the food industry is the spice trade.  The Torah is replete with reference to the spice traders who carriedYosef to Egypt to the ketores, that was fundamental to the avoda in the Bais Hamikdash.  The spice commerce has thrived from the beginning of commercial trade.  New World exploration forged forward fueled with the hope of finding shorter spice routes to the Far East.  Centuries earlier, Marco Polo witnessed flourishing spice trade first hand, during his travels to the Orient. Spice empires thrived as the European powers deepened their trade with the Far East. Today, spice trading continues to prosper.  Spices hail from Albania to Zanzibar and arrive to these shores in many different forms as whole spices, spice extracts, oleoresins and essential oils. What are the kashrus issues facing this fascinating ancient/contemporary industry?  Have modern processing techniques simplified or complicated matters?
What are spices?  Are spices and herbs synonymous?
The term spice is […]

Shmitta 5775

Published Fall 2014

For over nineteen hundred years, the Jewish people have longed to return to Eretz Yisroel, the Land of Israel.  It is only in the Land of Israel that we can realize our full potential as a nation; it is only in the Land of Israel that the Torah’s blueprint for life can be completely fulfilled.  For the millennia, the most important dimension of this longing was the yearning to once again be able to fulfill the mitzvos hatluyos ba’aretz (agricultural laws), the commandments that can be observed only in the Land of Israel.  With Hashem’s help, many of us in this past generation have realized part of this two thousand year old dream.  Yet, this realization has presented us with new challenges.

Without a doubt, one of the greatest mitzva challenges of all times is the fulfillment of the mitzva of Shmitta, the year of Sabbatical rest for the land of Israel.  The Midrash perceives this multifaceted mitzva as being so challenging and difficult that he who meets […]

Security Cameras on Shabbos

Kashrus Kurrents Winter 2015

Q:   It has become common for businesses and stores to have security video cameras which monitor the foot traffic in front of their properties. Similarly, many apartment buildings have video cameras which record anything that enters or exits the building. Is a Jew allowed to walk in front of such a video camera on Shabbos? Can a Jew operate a video camera knowing that other Jews will walk in front of it on Shabbos?

A:    In order to answer this question, we need to address four issues.

(1)  The video camera may be connected to a monitor that displays the recorded image.  May a person walk in front of a video camera on  Shabbos if it will cause his image to be displayed on a monitor? 

One of the forbidden  melachos on  Shabbos is  kesiva, writing.  Drawing a picture is also considered to be  kesiva  mideoraissa (writing which is forbidden by the  Torah). 1However, […]

Inspections In All Directions

Published Winter 2015

 The STAR-K certifies tens of thousands of products manufactured across the globe. There are well over a million ingredients and products certified by hundreds of kashrus  agencies worldwide. The following example may provide an idea of how many products are kosher certified.One million different products that are in containers measuring 6 inches in diameter lined up side by side (with no space between them) would stretch from Manhattan to Philadelphia. Since there are considerably more than a million kosher certified products, and industrial products are often sold in wider containers (e.g., 55 gallon drums), this line of products would most likely continue all the way to Baltimore. Furthermore, every kosher certified item (i.e., every container of every kosher product certified by every reliable  kashrus  agency) would easily stretch from the earth to the moon.To certify all of these products,  kashrus  agencies must adequately communicate with companies and  mashgichim  […]

Sushi L’Mehadrin

Published Winter 2015

For time immemorial, our sojourns throughout galus, the Diaspora, have not only defined and influenced the minhagim, laws and customs, emerging from those foreign lands, they have also rejuvenated our Jewish cuisine with a burst of ethnic diversity –  holopshkes (stuffed cabbage),borsht, and falafel, to name a few.  As our migration advanced to the shores of the ‘goldine medina’, a whole new ‘Yiddishe’ repertoire of American delicacies was bestowed upon us.  Who among us didn’t grow up with Sunday  morning whitefish, bagels, and lox?  Not long after, there emerged a proliferation of pizza shops in practically every Jewish neighborhood and community. The most recent food trend that has been introduced to the Jewish palate is Sushi.

Sushi, that unique combination of rice, rice vinegar, raw fish, and vegetables rolled in black seaweed sheets called ‘nori’ has found its place of prominence in virtually every kosher restaurant, smorgasbord and pizza shop.  Furthermore, we are fortunate in […]

A Guide To Purchasing Chometz After Pesach

Published Spring 2015

The  Torah  forbids a Jew to own  chometz  on  Pesach .  In order to dissuade people from owning  chometz  on  Pesach , there is a rabbinic injunction not to eat or benefit after  Pesach from  chometz  which was owned by a Jew during  Pesach .  Such  chometz  is known as chometz  sheovar olov haPesach , and it remains forbidden permanently.1

For this reason, one should not buy  chometz  from a Jewish-owned store immediately after Pesach , unless the owner sold all  chometz  that he owned before  Pesach  to a non-Jew for the duration of  Pesach , and did not acquire any further  chometz  during  Pesach .  The laws of mechiras   chometz  (selling  chometz  to a gentile for  Pesach ) are complex, therefore the sale must be made by a competent rabbi or  kashrus  authority.

If a Jewish-owned store did not […]

Laws of Biur Ma’aser

Published Spring 2015 | Updated Spring 2022

The Land of Israel follows a unique seven-year cycle. For the first six years, fruits and vegetables grown there are tithed.1 The seventh year is Shemita, the sabbatical year, which has its own set of special laws. These laws mainly affect those living in Israel, but also those living in the Diaspora if they are in possession of Israeli-grown produce.2

For the tithing of the first six years, the  Torah 3 sets an end date for the process called Biur Ma’aser. Biur Ma’aser  includes a number of components, which are still applicable today:

Biur Ma’aser

Any untithed produce (tevel)  in one’s possession must be tithed by  Erev  Pesach 4  of the fourth and seventh years of the  Shemita  cycle.5

Ma’aser Sheini  is the second tithe separated on produce harvested in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th […]

Grillin’ With a ‘Bren’

Published Spring 2015

One of  Moshe Rabbeinu ’s first directives from the  Ribono Shel Olam  was that the Korban Pesach  had to be  tzli aish , no compromise – not boiled, not cooked, not raw – but grilled on the open flame.  This was  B’nei Yisroel ’s honest to goodness first barbecue! “ Maase Avos Siman L’Vanim .”  Grilling has taken on a life of its own.  As the weather warms, and once again  we are ready to enjoy the outdoors there are many dos and don’ts that the savvy kosher griller should keep in mind before throwing that delicious rib steak onto the coals.

Kashering  a Non-Kosher Grill

As unlikely as it sounds, there are times when the occasion arises where a non-kosher grill requires kosherization.  This method is impractical for a barbecue pit in the park. However, in the event that one needs to  kasher  a non-kosher grill, below are the steps […]


Published Spring 2015

In these turbulent times, many people have installed alarm systems in their homes which give them a sense of security.  There are various types of burglar alarms which may or may not be connected to a central system, and it is clear that the system will work only if all is intact, the component codes are set in the right sequence, and the unit is in working order.  It is a good idea to test it every now and then to make sure the system is in proper operating condition.  All it takes is one faulty connection to negate the whole system.

Our feeling of security should come from the recognition that we have a protector in heaven, rather than relying entirely on some mechanical device devised by man.  The Ribbono Shel Olam watches over our homes if we do His will. The mezuzah attached to our doorpost is our protection.  It is a direct link to the “Central System”.  Certain letters […]

Tevilas Keilim

Kashrus Kurrents, Summer 2015

For general guidelines regarding the laws of tevilas keilim, ,click here


Aluminum pan, disposable
Tevilah without a brocha if intended to be used only once; tevilah with a brocha if intended to be used more than once.[1]

Aluminum pan,non-disposable
Tevilah with a brocha[2]

Apple corer (metal)
Tevilah with a brocha

Baking/Cookie sheet
Tevilah with a brocha

Barbeque grill
Racks require tevilah with a brocha, other components do not require tevilah.

No tevilah

Blender /Mixer
Glass or metal bowl, metal blades and other attachments require tevilah with abrocha, other components do not require tevilah.  Handheld immersion blender requires tevilah with a brocha.

Bottle (metal or glass)
Tevilah with a brocha.  If bought filled with food and subsequently emptied by a Jew, does not require tevilah.[3]

Brush (grill, egg yolk, pastry)
No tevilah

Cake plate (metal or glass)
Plate needs tevilah with a brocha, cake plate cover does not require tevilah.

Can (metal or glass)
Tevilah with a brocha.  If bought filled with food and subsequently emptied by a Jew, does not require tevilah.[3]

Can opener
No tevilah

Cast iron pot
Tevilah with a brocha

Ceramic knife
Tevilah without a brocha

Challah board
Metal board, or glass top on wooden board, requires tevilah with a brocha.  Wood board with a plastic top does not require tevilah.

Cheese slicer (metal)
Tevilah with […]

Surprise Du Jour

Published Summer 2015

TYPICAL RESTAURANT SCENE #1: “Ma, I’m going to grab something to eat before supper.”  “Fine, but don’t make yourself fleishig.  We’re having milchigs tonight.”  “No problem.  I’ll just get an order of fries from Kosher Burger!”
Was that a fatal supper flaw or not?  Possibly, but it is not uncommon for afleishig restaurant to cook their french fries or onion rings in the same fryer that is used for chicken.  If that is the case, the fries are 100% fleishig and the little boy is cooked!  One would have to wait the required amount of time before eating a dairy meal.[1]

This is not the only pareve pitfall for an unassuming kosher consumer. There are many other factors to be aware of when dining at a fleishig restaurant.  Just as a fryer can be used for both meat and pareve products, so can the knives that are used to cut salad vegetables.  Also, frying pans used between cutlets and vegetables, or ovens that cook any number of meat and pareve food […]

Three Mentchen Ready for Bentchen

Published Summer 2015

The scene is ever so common in Jewish homes.  A delicious meal is served and followed by mayim  achronim .  Then one of the participants of the  mezuman  proclaims, “ Rabosai mir vellin bentchen ”[1] (Gentlemen, let us recite  Birchas Hamazon ), and everyone present responds.[2]

The basic  halachos  are well known.  If three men who have reached the age of  Bar Mitzvah [3]eat bread[4] together, they form a “ mezuman. ”[5] One of them, known as the “ mezamein ” is the leader.[6]  If there are ten men, “ Elokeinu ” is added[7] by the  mezamein  between the words “ Nevoraych ” and “ She’ochalnu ”, and by the rest of the group between “ Baruch ” and “ She’achalnu ”.

The  Mishna  at the beginning of the seventh  perek  of  Brochos [...] Read More

Kosher Certification Helps Increase Market Share

The Jewish population is growing all over the world and the demand for Kosher certified products is increasing fast, Head, India and South East Asia Operations of Star-K Kosher Certification organisation, Joel Weinberger, told a seminar on Kosher Certification for food and beverage export industries.

The seminar was organised by the National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka (NCE) at its auditorium in Colombo last week.

Excerpts from his speech

The Kosher market has been growing at an annual rate of 15% for the past several years and Kosher-certified products continue to outsell organic and all natural products. Food manufacturers in North America and Europe, looking for new sources of ingredients, increasingly turn to Asian countries such as India to keep up with demand.

‘Kosher’ was the most frequently used claim on new products launched in the US according to recent market research, more frequently used than ‘All Natural’ and ‘No […]

Star-K Companies manufacturing in the Asia Pacific 亚太地区获得Star-K认证的公司

The STAR-K Asia Pacific offices, located in Shanghai, China and Perth, Australia , coordinated over 300 certified factories located in China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam. A staff headed by Rabbi Amos Benjamin travels to factories throughout the Asia Pacific on a regular basis to establish and maintain Kosher certification programs at these plants .They also meet with plant personnel to explain the significance of the certification symbol.

由犹太牧师Amos Benjamin所带领的员工定期对该地区工厂进行认证、

The following is the most current list of STAR-K’ s certified companies
manufacturing in the Asia Pacific:

Company Endorsements 客户评价

Northeast General Pharmaceutical, China

Northeast General Pharmaceutical is one of the largest Pharmaceutical raw material
producers in China .Our products are exported to countries all over the world. Kosher Certification with the Star-K Certification Organization has strengthened our global reputation and greatly improved our export sales


自2000年东药产品获得 STAR-K 证书后,其销售额剧增, 国际竞争力明显提 升。

Why Do I need kosher? 如何获得Kosher认证?

Why Do I need Kosher? 为什么需要Kosher认证?

The Global Demand for Kosher Over the past twenty-five years, the demand for
kosher certified products has increased dramatically. In order to export to the United
States and Europe, Kosher Certification is becoming a requirement.


The worldwide kosher food market has been growing at an annual rate of 15% for the
past several years. In order to meet this demand, companies throughout the world are
seeking kosher certification to expand their export business and existing
market .Many of there companies have chosen the STAR-K kosher certification and
are enjoying the marketing benefits this certification offers. The STAR-K symbol can
open new markets never before accessed.

此类公司选择了STAR-K Kosher认证,同时分享STAR-K认证 所提供的市

According to data complied in the year 2001 by integrated Marketing Communication
(USA company),Inc;There are 65,000 different kosher certified food packaged
products on the today.

9200 companies currently produce products for the kosher market.
[...] Read More

What is Kosher? 么是Kosher?

Definition of Kosher . Kosher 的定义

Kosher is a large set of Jewish dietary laws that have been strictly followed
for thousands of yeas. A Rabbi is a Jewish leader who studies Jewish law
for many years. A Rabbi must receive certification and a license to practice,
similar to an attorney. The Rabbis’ interpret the Jewish food laws and
administer their enforcement. These law determine which foods are acceptable
to the Jewish Law. The word Kosher is form the Hebrew (Hebrew is the Jewish
language) word meaning acceptable or proper. It refers to foods and food
ingredients that meet the dietary requirements of Jewish Law. The test of Kosher
and non-kosher depends on two points: the starting material of the products and
the; cleaning and maintenance of the production equipment. A common
misunderstanding is that food and food ingredients become Kosher with the special
words […]

How do I obtain Kosher Certification? 如何获得Kosher认证?

How do I obtain Kosher Certification

Step1 Complete Application 第一步:填写申请表
The information you put in the application provides us with a profile of your
company, the starting ingredients used, and your products. Please be assured that all
the information you provide us will be held in strict confidence. This is strictly
agreed in the contract between the Star-K and your company. Our reputation over the
past 50 years has been built on your confidentiality with our customers’ processes and
ingredients. We would be happy to sigh a non-disclosure agreement.

贵公司申请表中的信息 能让我们了解到贵公司及产品的大致情况,譬如所

Your application will be reviewed in order to determine the feasibility of your company’s products being certified kosher.
You will then be assigned a Kosher Administrator who will be your connection with the STAR-K and will assist you in the certification process. Our staff will assist you with every step of the certification […]

How Much Does Kosher Certification Cost? 认证费用

How much does kosher certification cost?

With staff based in China, STAR-K is able to offer very competitive rates with fast and efficient service. Most rates are quoted at a flat rate that includes travel for inspection. STAR -K does not charge an application fee. Plants which manufacture a more complicated product, thereby requiring more frequent visitations, will generally pay a higher certification fee. Before a contract is signed, a detailed cost analysis will be presented to the perspective customer for approval. We appreciate your interest in STAR-K Kosher Certification.

STAR-K 中国办事处员工以其极具竞争力的价格,为您提供快速、有效的服务。

STAR-K 并不收取申请费,但由于某些工厂的产品工艺相对复杂,需要多次审核,故而认证费用有所增加。在正式协议签署前,我们一般会提交给客户详细的报价单以便核准。

感谢您对STAR-K Kosher 认证的关注。

Frequently Asked Questions	 常见问题

Frequently Asked Questions 常见问题

1)Will STAR-K guarantee sales increases with certification? STAR-K认证能够保证销售的增长吗?

No, we cannot guarantee a sales increase. We are not marketing the product being certified.
However, many distributors in the USA and Europe look for products that are Kosher certified.
Having certification can therefore enhance marketability of your products.

不能,Star-K 法保证您的产品销量一定会有增长。我们并不对通过认证的产品进行任何推销活动。

2)Will the STAR-K introduce new customers? STAR-K会介绍新的客户吗?

Star-K does not actively promote products. Our job is to certify that products are Kosher.
Often a manufacturer or distributor will call to ask if we know of a supplier for a product
that is Kosher. We give precedence to Star-K certified products when marketing our recommendations.

并且会优先推荐通过 Star-K 认证的企业。

3) May I refuse to disclose production processes or ingredients to Star-K?

Star-K certifies many companies with whom we have proprietary agreements not to
disclose any information. We are prepared to enter into such agreements with our
customers. As a certification organization, […]

Mevakshai Hashem Cheder Students Get Their Kashrus Queries Answered by STAR-K Certification

Last month, STAR-K Certification received an envelope filled with handwritten letters that asked questions like: ‘How many different lands do you go to, to give a hechsher?’ ‘How many hours a day do you spend at each company?’ and ‘How do you become a mashgiach?’ Accompanying the inquisitive, complimentary letters full of hakaras hatov, written by the obviously precocious second graders of Mevakshai Hashem– a Chasidishe cheder located in Boro Park–was a cover letter addressed to STAR-K by the boys’ rebbe, Rabbi Dovid Weinberger:

“These letters were written to you as part of our school’s General Studies “food science project”. This program consisted of writing first to ordinary food companies, and then to kashrus agencies. Each class was given another organization to write to; we chose the STAR-K.”

Eight-year-old Chananya Rosenberg was creative in illustrating every letter “K” in his letter as a “STAR-K” logo when he wrote:

“I want […]

Air Conditioners Pre-Purchase Advice

Room Air Conditioner Units with Electronic Controls

May stay off after return from a power failure until manually reset.
May also pose a problem when using timers (Shabbos clocks): the unit will turn off as set, but will not turn back on at the set time unless manually reset.


Contact the manufacturer for information on which models may have this feature.


Star-K is pleased to announce that in response to our suggestions, GE has modified its 2004 (and later) electronic room air conditioners so that they will now return to their default position. This means that on Shabbos and Yom Tov, the air conditioners will still function after being off due to a power outage or use with a Shabbos timer.

Pre-Purchase Advice – for Refrigerators

Opening the Refrigerator/Freezer Door

Should not cause circulation fans to go on/off. (Check to see if the fan runs with an open door. If it does not, press down the door plunger switch and listen to detect if the fan goes on. Some models have two door plunger switches – one for the light and another for the fan motor.)

Should not activate any tones or digital readouts (e.g., ‘door ajar’ icons, cabinet temperature, or settings).

Should not affect defrost cycle. (Defrost cycle should not be dependent upon the number of times you open the door and how long you keep it open.)

Light in refrigerator cavity should be deactivated, either by unscrewing the bulb or taping down the light switch. Check to make sure there are no other lights (e.g., door lights) that turn on when the door is opened. See CAUTION about disabling door switches below.

CAUTION: Disabling Door Switches

Taping or otherwise holding
down […]

Halachos of Using an Oven on Shabbos – Whether Standard or Sabbath Mode

STAR-K has worked with numerous appliance companies to make modern appliances more kosher-consumer friendly for Shabbos and Yom Tov. We have helped develop features that, in many cases, eliminate lights, icons, tones and digital displays; provide for timed bake without tones and icons; and enable temperature adjustments on Yom Tov.

The appliance companies named this constellation of features “the Sabbath mode” – a naming decision that has contributed to some confusion by consumers as to the proper halachic use of these ovens on Shabbos.

See below for a brief summary clarifying the proper halachic use of any oven on Shabbos:

1. No adjustment to the temperature is permitted on Shabbos, even in Sabbath Mode.

2. All food must be fully cooked and placed in the oven before Shabbos. No food (cooked or non-cooked) may be placed in the oven on Shabbos to re-warm or cook. This is true regarding ovens as well as warming […]

Countertop Pre-Purchase Advice

Granite, Marble, or Stainless Steel – To kasher (for year-round and Pesach), clean the countertop, wait 24 hours after its last use, and then pour boiling water over each part of the countertop. You may need to refill the pot several times. (It is not sufficient to pour on one spot and let the water run over the counter.) Make sure the material is a pure granite or stone. Sometimes they are really “composites” and therefore CANNOT be kashered.

Wood may also be kashered as stainless steel if it has a smooth surface and no cracks.

Porcelain Enamel, Dupont Corian® Solid Surface and Corian® Quartz Surface (formerly called Zodiaq®), Formica, Silestone – Star-K policy does not allow kashering of plastic or materials with plastic components.

Year-Round Use: As long as the countertop is clean, it may be used for cold pots and food. Hot food should not be placed on it. If inadvertently hot food was put […]

Jewish-Chinese Connections

Lost Jews of China

In the Middle Ages, Jewish traders following the ancient Silk Road spice route settled in China, forming a community in the city of Kaifeng. Kaifeng was then one of the “Seven Ancient Capitals of China” and one of the world’s largest metropolises, with a population of close to one million. China’s ruling Song Emperors welcomed the Jews as welcome guests, bestowing seven family names that these Kaifeng Jews could use – some of which are still carried by their descendents in the town today.

Kaifeng’s Jewish community thrived at first, building its first synagogue in 1163, and eventually swelling to several thousand members. Smaller Jewish communities sprung up in other towns in China. Unlike many Jewish communities elsewhere, it seems that China’s Jews faced little or no persecution. Ironically, the lack of discrimination they faced in China seems to have hastened their end.

A model of the Kaifeng […]