STAR-K Summer 5784/2024 Kashrus Training Seminars

Registration is now open for STAR-K’s popular training seminars. Space is limited so please register early. Application forms for each program are posted in the links below.

11th Annual Foodservice Mashgiach Training Seminar

July 29-31, 2024

Foodservice Mashgiach Training Application Form


21st Annual Kashrus Training Program
August 5-8, 2024

Kashrus Training Program Application Form


For more information, contact Rabbi Zvi Goldberg at 410-484-4110 ext. 219, or email him at [email protected].
Please note that applicants may apply for only one seminar per year.

Both programs will be held at STAR-K’s Baltimore corporate headquarters.

Each program is limited to 25 attendees.

Kashrus Training Program

This widely acclaimed four-day program provides rabbonim, certifying agency administrators, kollel members, and […]

Folding 25mm Loupe

LED light
40X magnification suitable for helping with bug checking
25mm precision ground lenses
Color corrected and optically corrected lenses for a non-distorted view
Made of plastic and chrome-plated metal with glass lenses
Includes storage case and battery.
The cost of the loupe is $7.50 + S&H

To order a loupe click here


STAR-K Kosher Classroom: Classroom Curricular Materials

The STAR-K Kosher Classroom is a growing collection of curricular materials for elementary, middle, and high school classrooms, developed for, and with the support of, Torah Umesorah.

It is part of STAR-K’s commitment to education and an extension of our already existing educational efforts for adults, which include Kashrus Kurrents and interactive teleconference webinars for rabbonim, mashgichim and the wider community.

We have consulted with mechanchim to ensure that these materials are age-appropriate for children across the spectrum. We are acutely aware that, for adults, kashrus might be their most extensive engagement with practical halacha. Many of these topics require experts in the field who are intimately involved in production procedures. But it is apparent from the phone calls we field that there is a gap in this area in our schools’ curricula. Educators have told us that the reason for the dearth of classroom education about kashrus-related halacha is due […]

Kosher University

The STAR-K Kosher University is comprised of innovative online Educational Programs which offer a unique opportunity for local Vaadim, Rabbis and Mashgichim, the world over.

Monthly TeleKosher Conferences

Mark your calendars! STAR-K’s ongoing TeleKosher Conference Series is scheduled for the last Wednesday of each month at 12 Noon, Eastern. Previous conferences are archived here and on our Vimeo channel.

Rabbi Zvi Goldberg interviews various kosher experts. Questions from the listening audience are encouraged.

To signup for notifications, email [email protected] with subject ‘signup’

Webinar Series

STAR-K is committed to utilizing its resources for the education of Jewish communities worldwide. Our Advanced Halacha Webinar Series Project features STAR-K’s Rabbis and our Rabbinic Administrator, Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, who has always been on the cutting edge of advanced technology and halacha. We discuss various topics through an interactive presentation which allows participants from around the globe to experience a live workshop through the use of audio, video and […]

Kosher Certified Schach Manufacturers

The following schach mat manufacturers are certified by STAR-K. Please see letter of certification for usage instructions.

Sukkah Systems
20 Brighton Ave.
Passaic, NJ 07055
Click here for Sukkah Systems’ current letter of certification.

The Sukkah Project
2317 Grand Park Dr. #2A
Grand Junction, CO 81505
Click here
for The Sukkah Project’s current letter of certification.

The Esrog Headquarters – The Sukkah Headquarters
5809 Foster Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11234
Click here
for The Esrog/Sukkah Headquarters’ current letter of certification.

Click here for information on proper storage of schach mats.

STAR-K Food Service Kashrus Training Seminar Draws Attendees from Far and Near

Baltimore, MD – Aug. 4Yosef Cohen has been attending a community kollel in Raanana, Israel, for the past five years. He decided to sign up forSTAR-K’s Food Service Kashrus Training Seminar, held July 28-30, because he is considering moving back to the US and will need a parnasa.

“I was always interested in Hashgacha and have taken a Hashgacha course in Eretz Yisroel and received a certificate from Rav Efrati and the Rabanut of Israel,” notes Mr. Cohen, a first time STAR-K seminar attendee.  “The STAR-K training seminar was a great review of the pertinent Halachos, and gave amazing hands on information and tips for the seasoned and beginner.”

What Mr. Cohen found most helpful was learning how to deal with the vendors: “We learned to always be a mensch and remember that you are the Rabbi while on the job, whether you think of yourself like that or […]

STAR-K’s 11th Annual Kashrus Training Program Features NYS Kosher Enforcement Director Rabbi Aaron Metzger

The Eleventh Annual STAR-K Kashrus Training Program attracted attendees from the Catskill Mountains to Indianapolis, IN. This year, in addition to the STAR-K Kashrus Administrators who delivered presentations on everything from Foodservice Challenges to the Halachic issues of Appliances, Rabbi Aaron Metzger, director of the NY State Kosher Enforcement Bureau, addressed the participants. Rabbi Metzger, a resident of Monsey, NY, was appointed to his position by The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, in January. Part of his job is to protect consumers by ensuring compliance with the certification, record keeping and signage requirements relating to kosher food, and maintaining the Department’s online kosher databases.

“Being in this position is important to the Jewish community to maintain a sense of accountability in Kosher,” notes Rabbi Metzger.” Being able to present at the STAR-K conference has enlightened various rabbis from across the globe how important transparency and accountability is […]

Thrip Cloth (Shmatte Bedika) Tutorial

Instructions on Using a Kosher Vegetable Checking Cloth

Wash produce well. (Note: Use warm water for broccoli and cauliflower.)
Prepare a basin with water and a non-bleach and non-toxic dishwasher detergent solution. The water should feel slippery.
Agitate the produce in the solution for 15 seconds. (Note: For broccoli and cauliflower, soak for 30 seconds BEFORE agitating.)
Remove the produce from the basin and shake off excess water over the basin.
Pour water through the thrip cloth.
Check the thrip cloth over a light box for any insects.
If insects are found, repeat steps 1-6. This can be done up to three times. If insects are still found on the third try, the produce should not be used.

IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A THRIP CLOTH: Check the water for infestation by placing a white basin over a light box.


STAR-K Certification Launches STAR-K Kosher Classroom at Torah Umesorah Convention

Baltimore, MD – May 2014 – Earlier this month, STAR-K Kosher Certification was represented at the sold-out Torah Umesorah 58th Annual National Leadership Convention by STAR-K President Dr. Avrom Pollak, STAR-K Kashrus Administrator Rabbi Baruch Beyer, and STAR-K Director of Special Projects Rabbi Zvi Holland, who introduced mechanchim to the STAR-K Kosher Classroom.

The STAR-K Kosher Classroom, which debuted at the convention, is an initiative to develop curricular materials for elementary, middle, and high school classrooms. The first group of  posters and videos were prepared to present to the 1,800 attendees from throughout the U.S., Canada and elsewhere around the world, to generate interest, feedback and partnership from those who will actually be presenting the materials.

“Just as we do not charge for our extensive Kashrus education programs and community services, we are not charging for these materials, “ noted Rabbi Holland. “We wanted the teachers to tell us what materials […]

Como Escolher O Certificado Kosher

Selecionando a Agência Correta
No Princípio
Questões Importantes
Que Tipo De Serviço Você Pode Esperar?
Que Perícia E Conhecimento Eles Oferecem A Você?
Termos De NEGociação


Pesquisas de mercado demonstraram que os consumidores geralmente escolhem um produto com certificado Kosher ao invés de outro sem esse certificado. Mais tarde esses mesmos estudos revelaram que a certificaçâo Kosher é um recurso utilizado por uma vasta gama de consumidores tanto judeus como não judeus.

Muitos fatores são responsáveis pela explosão de produtos com certificação Kosher; por diversas razões os consumidores de produtos com certificado Kosher influencia um mercado que excede esse grupo de pessoas. Isto é particularmente verdade nos Estados Unidos aonde as grandes cadeias de supermercados se esforçam para ter os mesmos produtos em todos as suas lojas que são abastecidas por um distribuidor central. A Europa sofreu um aumento dramático na demanda por Kosher, […]

O Mercado Kosher

O Consumidor Kosher
O Mercado Judaico
A Comunidade Islãmica
Outros Grupos Religiosos
Considerações Sanitãrias
Qualidade Assegurada

O Consumidor Kosher

A busca por produtos Kosher ultrapassa os interesses de um grupo etnico particular. Os consumidores Kosher incluem judeus, muçulmanos e Adventistas do setimo dia, assim como vegetarianos, pessoas com intolerencia a lactose e todos aqueles que pensam que Kosher e o melhor. Estes milhoes de consumidores procuram o simbolo Kosher para se assegurar que suas necessidades serao satisfeitas.

O Mercado Judaico

A comida judaica kosher é mundialmente conhecida, mas os consumidores judeus representam apenas uma parte do mercado Kosher.

A Comunidade Islãmica

Milhoes de muculmanos ao redor do mundo tem uma dieta que observa um regime similar aos da Kashrus. Eles reconhecem que os alimentos que contem o simbolo Kosher satisfazem as suas necessidades.

Outros Grupos Religiosos

Os adventistas do setimo dia e outros grupos cristos tem restricoes similares a Kashrus. O simbolo […]

Como Elegir Una Certificacion Kosher

Seleccionando La Agencia Correcta
Al Principio…
Preguntas Importantes
Términos de Negociación

Seleccionando la Agencia Correcta

¿Cómo se encuentra la certificación kosher adecuada para satisfacer las necesidades particulares de su compañía?

A menos de que usted tenga un establecimiento cuyas necesidades kosher pueden ser satisfechas por un consejo rabínico local, usted está a punto de experimentar un viaje desconcertante al intentar comparar las virtudes de las diversas certificaciones. ¡No todas las organizaciones de certificación kosher son idénticas!

Es muy importante emprender este proceso de una manera similar a la que usted utilizaría para elegir un abogado, un consultor financiero o un empleado esencial. ¡En pocas palabras, haga su trabajo! Hacer las preguntas correctas y explorar todas las opciones disponibles en el mercado kosher pueden ahorrarle a su compañía una experiencia desagradable y costosa.

[...] Read More

El Mercado Kosher

Durante los últimos veinticinco años, la demanda por productos con certificación kosher ha aumentado dramáticamente. Más específicamente, el mercado kosher ha crecido un 15% anual durante los últimos años.

El Consumidor Kosher
El Mercado Judío
La Comunidad Islámica
Otras Denominaciones Religiosas
Intolerantes de la Lactosa
La Garantía de Calidad

El Consumidor Kosher

Millones de personas alrededor del mundo limitan su consumo alimenticio y buscan el símbolo kosher para asegurarse de que se cumplan sus preferencias. Según estudios de mercado, la atracción hacia los alimentos kosher supera el interés de un grupo étnico específico. Los consumidores de alimentos kosher incluyen Judíos, Musulmanes, miembros de otras denominaciones religiosas, Vegetarianos, aquellos con intolerancia a la lactosa, y los que entienden que “kosher es mejor”.

El Mercado Judío
Los consumidores Judíos abarcan cerca del 45% del mercado kosher. […]

STAR-K Light Box

The STAR-K Light Box is a user-friendly tool that will greatly simplify your bug-checking needs.

The light box’s design includes STAR-K’s full-color BUG CHECKING CHART on the reverse side, with clear instructions for how to check every category of produce.

The side panel displays high-resolution, color images of COMMON INSECTS FOUND ON PRODUCE to give users a handy reference guide to help identify the type of bugs they might find while checking.

Additionally, the light box features:

LED light with adjustable brightness

a large, neutral surface

waterproof surface and casing

Price: $65

Purchase Options

Order directly from Judaica Spot.

Available at the Seforim Nook, 7006 Reisterstown Road, in the Colonial Village Shopping Center in Pikesville. Call 410-840-7677 for more information.

In-person pickup at the STAR-K office. Call 410-484-4110 for more information.

Information about purchasing bug checking kits can be found here.

Why Check for Insects?

As we sit down to enjoy a crisp, green salad or prepare to garnish a dish with a fresh sprig of parsley, probably the last thing on our minds at that time is insects. But insects should actually be foremost on our minds, as the act of eating insects, as we shall explain here, violates a very serious set of prohibitions. Let’s start from the beginning.

The Torah expressly forbids Jews from eating insects (tolayim). In Leviticus 11:41, we are told, “And every swarming thing that swarms upon the earth is a detestable thing; it shall not be eaten.” Any food known to be subject to insect infestation, therefore, cannot be eaten until the insects have been removed.

But what if you’re not sure? What is the status of a food item that is only suspected of containing an insect? Are you obligated to check the item to determine the presence of an insect, or can […]

2024 Starbucks Information

Please be advised that Starbucks corporation has decided to end the expanded STAR-K kosher information program.
Consumers are advised that effective immediately STAR-K can only recommend a limited number of drinks and can no longer vouch for the kashrus of many of the flavored items previously listed.

In general, Starbucks stores serve hot treif meat and cheese. Therefore, since 2011, STAR-K Rabbinic Administrator Rav Moshe Heinemann shlit”a suggests that if at all possible one should avoid buying drinks prepared with equipment that may have been washed with treif equipment. There are drinks (see list below) that are prepared without any contact with questionable equipment and are acceptable at any store.

When one is traveling, (traveling means when one is away from home and no other viable kosher certified coffee option is readily available),  this creates a situation of sha’as hadchak – i.e., a difficult situation – and one need not be concerned […]

Explanation of the STAR-K Medicine List

Ideally, one should purchase over-the-counter (OTC) products with a reliable hechsher. STAR-K certified products contain only kosher approved ingredients. A product containing a trace of a non-kosher ingredient (even if it is batel b’shishim) cannot be certified STAR-K. Similarly, all certified products are manufactured without any keilim concerns.

Unfortunately, very few OTC products are kosher certified, and kosher consumers who require such products are often confronted with shailos (questions).

STAR-K has reviewed ingredients used in hundreds of OTC products manufactured by many of the major pharmaceutical companies, including Bayer, Bristol-Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline, McNeil, Novartis, Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, Purdue Frederick, Schering-Plough, and Wyeth.

In compiling a list of “approved” medications for use by one who is a choleh (ill) or has a maychush (discomfort), the following halachic guidelines were used:


If all ingredients are kosher, there is no concern that the medicinal ingredients were produced on treif equipment (see Yoreh Deah 122:6).

If a non-kosher […]

Heimishe Kosher Visits STAR-K

STAR-K Kosher Certification recently held its first Winter Kashrus Training Program for a group of mashgichim from New York. The participants, who live in Boro Park, traveled to attend the seminar in Baltimore on three consecutive Sundays, January-February. The program was the brainchild of Mr. Meir Rand, a Chasidishe mashgiach who has worked in various kitchen venues in Boro Park. Realizing the lack of Chasidishe mashgiach training, he approached STAR-K Kashrus Administrator Rabbi Zvi Holland with his well-accepted idea of a training program.

“I was very, very happy with the program; I learned such new chidushim and how to deal with people in Kashrus work,” says Mr. Rand. “I have no words. It was mamash amazing–meyradik!

“The Chasidishe community doesn’t yet have such a training program for their mashgichim,” continues Mr. Rand. “We have no mesuderdik system for training them and we found out that STAR-K has the best training system […]

STAR-K Hosts J.E.W. Seminar

On Wednesday, January 8, STAR-K Kosher Certification’s Baltimore offices hosted a seminar for Jewish Experience Week (J.E.W.). The seminar, led by STAR-K Kashrus Administrators Rabbi Zvi Goldberg and Rabbi Zvi Holland, enlightened college students from around the country about the function of a kosher certification agency and various practical Kashrus issues.

Rabbi Holland’s presentation, “The Wonderful World of Kosher Certification”, covered the history of kosher certification, the globalization of food production and Kosher certification, the difference between a local agency and an International agency, non-profit public agencies certifying kashrus as opposed to individuals, the need and value of retaining public trust in kosher agencies, how halachic decisions are made at STAR-K and how they are kept separate from business, and STAR-K’s unique role as the only major non-profit Kosher agency dedicated only to Kosher. An informative Q & A session followed.

Rabbi Goldberg’s talk, “The Mystical and the Practical”, addressed the Torah […]

Pas Haba’ah B’Kisnin

For a detailed pas habaa bkisnin discussion see here.

I. Varieties and circumstances that warrant a Birchas Hamotzi:

Three slices of 18″ pizza pie
Three slices of 16″ pizza pie
1/2 of a 14″ thin crust pie,
1/2 of a 12″ regular pizza pie
1/2 of a 9″ deep dish pizza pie

Bagel chips made from bagels
Calzone – 1 from a pizza shop; 2 pre-packaged frozen
Croissants (when augmenting a dinner meal)
Croutons (toasted)
Matzos (Sefardim should ask their Rabbi)
Melba toast
Mezonos rolls – that taste like cake and are augmenting a dinner meal, and those that taste like bread
Soft pretzels (when augmenting a dinner meal)
Stromboli – 1 from a pizza shop; 2 pre-packaged frozen

II. Varieties and circumstances that warrant a Birchas Mezonos when eaten as a snack:

Bagel Chips
Croissants (as a pastry)
Flatbreads (all varieties)
Hard Pretzels
Matza Tams
One slice of pizza
[...] Read More

Heter Iska: Guidelines and Form

1. It is vital that instructions are followed as stated in the correct sequence. Not following the procedure properly may invalidate the heter iska.

Eruv Chatzeiros in a Hotel on Shabbos

Kashrus Kurrents Fall 2013

Q: When a person stays in a hotel for Shabbos, does he need to make an eruv chatzeiros to allow him to carry items in the hallways and lobby?

A: In order to answer this question, we need to review some of the basic halachos of eruv chatzeiros.

In the times of Chazal, it was common for private houses to be situated around the perimeter of a rectangular central courtyard, known as a chatzeir. The chatzeir was used by the members of these houses for chores, such as washing clothes and grinding grain. The Torah considers a chatzeir to be a reshus hayachid (a private domain) if it is surrounded on all sides by walls of the houses and one could, therefore, carry in the chatzeir on Shabbos. However, due to the fact that a chatzeir is less private than a house, the Rabonnon forbade carrying in a chatzeir […]

Beyond Milk and Meat…

Published Fall 2013

This past spring and summer, applicants from across the U.S., Mexico and Canada took advantage of an array of kashrus education opportunities hosted by STAR-K Kosher Certification in Baltimore, Maryland. In April and June, STAR-K administrators addressed the rabbinic alumni of Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (YU/RIETS) and Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, respectively, during their Yarchei Kallah. In July, STAR-K held back-to-back Foodservice Kashrus Training and Tenth Annual Kashrus Training Program seminars. Rabbi Dovid Yachnes, rav of the Orlando Torah Center, wrote a letter of appreciation that perhaps best sums up the impact made during all of these educational efforts. Commenting on these efforts, STAR-K President Avrom Pollak said, “STAR-K is always interested in supporting rabbonim and their communities around the country and the world, with accurate kashrus information and halachic resources, to further our mission of promoting kashrus and observance of halacha.”

Dear STAR-K,

Please allow me to share […]

Maintaining Proper Standards of Kashrus In Our Yeshivos & Schools

Published Fall 2013

Kashrus has come a long way. Kashrus agencies ensure the highest standards of kashrus in factories and food establishments worldwide, by maintaining a staff of experts in halacha, and in food technology, equipment and ingredients. Consumers have been trained to know which products are acceptable and how to maintain a kosher kitchen l’mehadrin. Kashrus in shuls is usually overseen by the rav of the kehila.

However, one area of kashrus that has received little attention – even throughout the past several decades of unprecedented kashrus growth – is kashrus in our schools. These “heiligeh mekomos”, where tens of thousands of our “tinokos shel bais rabban” spend much of their time during the course of their formative years, deserve the same attention as factories, eating establishments, shuls and our homes.

It is difficult to address the needs of each school as every situation is different. The issues at a yeshiva with a full-service […]

Kashrus Goes Crunch

Published Fall 2013

Everyone wants to emulate a winner. The world of food manufacturing and marketing is no exception. Whenever a new product reaches the marketplace, or a new business venture is successfully launched, rest assured that product or venture will be duplicated, cloned, or modified
immediately. One only needs to travel north of Baltimore to Pennsylvania Dutch country to see this in reality. Southern Pennsylvania is home to tens of snack food manufacturers, and is aptly dubbed “the snack food capital  of the United States.”

Snack foods have always been an integral part of the American diet and the American way of life. But, snack food modifications do not stand still. As our eating habits, tastes, and health awareness change, so have snack food styles. As production streamlines and technology becomes more innovative, snack food companies continuously modernize to keep up with the times. Of course, one dimension of the snack food industry that always remains constant is kashrus. No matter how […]

Sheva Brachos Guidelines

Kashrus Kurrents Spring 2013

Q: Could you give me some guidelines as to when sheva brochos are recited?

A: When a chosson and kallah get married, sheva brochos are recited on three occasions: (i) under the chupah, (ii) at the end of the meal following the chupah, and (iii) at the end of subsequent meals that are made lekovod the chosson and kallah. It is this third category which is commonly known as sheva brochos. If the chosson and kallah have both been previously married, sheva brochos are recited only on the day of the wedding.1 If either the chosson or kallah has not been previously married, sheva brochos are recited on the seven days following the wedding, with the day of the wedding reckoned as the first of those seven days.2 If neither the chosson nor the kallah have previously been living an observant lifestyle (or if one of them has […]

Getting Into the Thick of Things: GELATIN

Published Spring 2013

Have you ever had a slice of p’tcha galarita – that spicy, globby stuff Bubby used to cook up? How did she manage to make it so thick?

Better yet, open a can of gefilte fish. Look at the stiff jell that comes as its broth. Why is it that when you cook your own gefilte fish, you do not get that solid jelly from your broth? Did you ever wonder why theirs is so thick and yours is not?

COLLAGEN may be the answer to this thickening question.

Collagen is a fibrous, insoluble protein that makes up a major portion of bone, skin and connective tissue. By cooking animal bones or adding fish bones to the broth of your gefilte fish, you will extract some of the collagen from the bones. This gives you the wobbly jelly in p’tcha or in the gefilte fish that comes in a can.

The most common form in which collagen is marketed is partially hydrolyzed state known commonly as gelatin. […]

The Global Demand for Kosher

For nearly fifty years, the demand for kosher-certified products has increased dramatically. Currently one of the hottest food trends, Kosher has become big business. Steady annual growth of the Kosher industry over the past two decades has led to an exponential rise in the numbers of products now available to the kosher consumer. The most recent Lubicom Marketing Consulting research data indicates that it has developed into a $12.5 billion industry for reasons explored below:

12.35M Kosher Consumers in the US
1.3M Year-Round Jewish Consumers of Kosher Products
35M Non-Jewish Consumers of Kosher Products
195K Kosher Certified Products
19K Kosher Products in US Supermarkets
11.4K Kosher Producing Companies and Plants

The United States dominates global kosher sales, launching the majority of all new kosher products available worldwide. To meet this demand, companies throughout the world are seeking kosher certification to expand their existing markets and enhance sales strategies. Many of these companies are choosing STAR-K Kosher Certification […]

What is a Kosher Certification Agency?

A kosher certification agency is an organization of Rabbis, food technologists, and field supervisors with the expertise and resources to execute the Laws of Kashrus. It is responsible for assuring Kosher consumers that food products and ingredients meet all kosher requirements. Once these requirements have been met, a letter of certification is issued to the manufacturer who is then authorized to advertise its kosher status, and display the kosher symbol and promote the product as kosher.

All kosher certification agencies are not identical. It is essential that the kosher certification agency has widespread acceptability so that a product bearing its symbol can be marketed to as wide an audience as possible. The manufacturer can then take advantage of the rapidly growing demand for kosher food.

How to Kosher a Plant: Individual Stories

It’s Takke a Taco

Those tried and true N.Y. subway travelers of the ‘60’s and ‘70’s remember the memorable poster of the smiling Indian holding a delicious corned beef sandwich with the caption, “You don’t have to be Jewish to Love Levy’s Real Jewish Rye.” Today, with the virtual explosion of ethnic foods, you don’t have to be Japanese to enjoy Sushi, you don’t have to be Italian to enjoy ravioli or minestrone, and you don’t have to be Mexican to enjoy tacos and burritos. However, the common link between all these ethnic foods is that today the kosher consumer can sink his teeth into a delicious enchilada or schwarma that bears reliable kosher certification.
Ordinarily it is not impossible to substitute ingredients to create an […]