A Traveler’s Guide to Tefilas Haderech

Summer 2021

During the past year and a half, STAR-K mashgichim continued to conduct inspections in the United States and abroad in a manner deemed safe for them and factory personnel. STAR-K is very thankful for their tremendous mesiras nefesh to ensure that our certified products maintained the highest level of kashrus, even in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. Still, many consumers who frequently travel stayed home. With great siyata d’Shmaya, an effective vaccine was developed that has allowed us to resume our busy travel schedules and to once again recite Tefilas Haderech on a regular basis. Let us examine the halachos of this beautiful tefilla.[1]

The Tefilla

Tefilas Haderech is based on the Gemara in Brachos (29b-30a), with some minor variations, depending upon one’s nusach.  The Gemara says it is recited in loshon rabim (plural; e.g., shetolicheinu, etc.).[2]  When returning the same the day, the words v’sachzireinu l’shalom […]

The Kosher Conversation Episode 15: Lab-Grown Meat

Lab-Grown Meat

In this episode we explore the halachic ramifications of cultured meat, (also known as lab-grown or synthetic meat). Rabbi Daniel Friedman shares his pioneering work with us, and Rabbi Joel Kenigsberg keeps us abreast of the latest developments in the field.

Learn how synthetic meat is made! What is it? Can it be Kosher? Can it Be Parve?

Also, a rare recording of Rav Moshe Heinemann. shlita, addressing these issues.

Leave your feedback for the Kosher Conversation at 410-816-9509!

The Kosher Conversation Episode 13: Nikkur and Melicha

Nikkur and Melicha With Rabbi Mayer Kurcfeld

In this episode we go in depth about the steps taken to prepare kosher meat for consumption – nikkur and melicha.

Rabbi Kurcfeld, drawing on his experience in this field, and describes the various parts of the animal, and how they are prepared by removing cheilev, the forbidden fats, and how the blood is removed through salting.

Bonus Question! Is pate de foie gras kosher?

The Kosher Conversation Episode 12: Kosher Meat Production

Kosher Meat Production with Rabbi Tzvi Shaul Goldberg

In this episode, Rabbi Tzvi Shaul Goldberg, Kashrus Administrator at the STAR-K, takes us through the various steps of kosher meat production. Hear about the thought, the training and the skill that go into shechita, bedika, nikkur, and melicha, as Rabbi Goldberg talks about his personal experience and training in the field. 

Learn about some of the gritty details that need to be observed to determine if a shechita is acceptable.

Finally, unravel some of the mystery surrounding chassidishe shechita!

The Kosher Conversation Episode 11: Shochtim and Chalafim

Rav Moshe Heinemann on Shochtim and Chalafim

In this episode Rav Heinemann discusses what exactly “kabbalah” for shechita means, and what a shochet needs to know to qualify. 

We also take a look at the knives used for shechita, and learn about the Rov’s personal chalaf collection.

The Kosher Conversation Episode 10: Which Meat Is Kosher?

Rav Moshe Heinemann on Which Meat is Kosher

In this episode Rav Heinemann discusses the traditions to eat various animals. Some of the topics discussed:

What makes a chicken a chicken? Is turkey kosher? Do we need a mesorah for various breeds of cows? Can we shecht giraffes?

All this and much more on this episode of the Kosher Conversation!

The Kosher Conversation Episode 9: Cheese Production

Cheese Production with Rabbi Yonah Goldberg of St. Paul, Minnesota

In this episode we speak with Rabbi Yonah Goldberg about life in the Midwest, growing up in Haarlem, and of course, cheese!

All sorts of cheese:

Blue CheeseCheddar Cheese,Monterey Jack,and even … Squeaky Cheese!

The Kosher Conversation Episode 8: Sodas and Slurpees

Sodas and Slurpees with Rabbi Boruch Beyer

In this episode Rabbi Boruch Beyer, Kashrus Administrator at STAR-K, talks with us about:

Where does soda come from? How is it made? Is it kosher everywhere? The story of the Slurpee!

And a special bonus topic – Why would paper need a hechsher?

The Kosher Conversation Episode 7: Margarine and Hard Fats (part 2 of 2)

Margarine and More With Rabbi Simcha Smolensky of the OU

Today, we continue our conversation with Rabbi Smolensky, an industrial mashgiach for the OU. Picking up from the discussion of oil production in the previous episode, Rabbi Smolensky discusses margarine and hard fats.

Learn about the history of margarine! What is it? What oils can it be made from?What are the challenges in making kosher margarine?How does government legislation affect Kosher for Passover Margarine?

All this and more in this episode of The Kosher Conversation!

Part two of a two-part series.

The Kosher Conversation Episode 6: Oils (part 1 of 2)

Oils with Rabbi Simcha Smolensky of the OU

Today’s conversation is with Rabbi Simcha Smolensky, a veteran Chicago-based Rabbinic Field Representative for the OU. He shares his expertise in all aspects of kosher oil production.

Where do oils come from? What are the differences between them? Aren’t all vegetable oils really kosher?

Part one of a two-part series.

The Kosher Conversation Episode 5: Cholov Yisroel

Cholov Yisroel with Rabbi Tzvi Rosen

The Kosher Conversation returns from a Pesach hiatus.

In this episode we discuss how to make Cholov Yisroel milk in modern dairies, with special attention paid to Pride of the Farm.Curious about how to watch the milking of thousands of cows? Want to know who’s at the dairy on Shabbos and Yom Tov? Is Pride of the Farm really better than other milk? Wondering what could possibly go wrong?

All this and more on this week’s episode. Just press play.

As always comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome at [email protected]./html

The Kosher Conversation Episode 4: All About Medications

Medicine with Rabbi Dovid Heber

In this installment Rabbi Dovid Heber tells us all about medications. He answers many burning questions about kosher medication:

Is kosher medicine really necessary? What are the possible problems with medicine?Should you wrap your pills in paper before you take them? Should you wait until the pharmacy gets the kosher version?

All this and more!

Please email your comments and suggestions to [email protected]

The Kosher Conversation Episode 3: Pesach Hotels

Pesach Hotels with Rabbi Zvi Holland

Pesach hotels are a long-standing, much maligned institution in Jewish communities in America and around the world. Rabbi Holland takes us behind the scenes and gives us his insight into what it takes to plan, prepare and run a Kosher for Passover program.

The Kosher Conversation Episode 1: Food Service Kashrus

Food Service Kashrus with Rabbi Mayer Kurcfeld

Talking Food Service Kashrus with Rabbi Mayer Kurcfeld of the STAR-K.

In this episode we discuss how Rabbi Kurcfeld got his start in Kosher Supervision, the ins and outs of kosher food service, and setting up facilities such as restaurants, colleges, hotels and hospitals. 

Learn the three crucial factors in successfully setting up a kosher vendor! 

Hear what happens when it doesn’t go according to plan!

All this and more on this episode.

The Kosher Conversation Episode 14

Rabbi Moshe Yurman is one of the few chalaf-machers (knife makers) in the United States today. In this episode, he discusses the requirements and techniques of working  steel into the best possible knife for shechita with Rabbi Zvi Holland.

How do you make a blade from a blank?How do you keep it sharp?Does modern technology affect these specialized chalafim?Do Italian barbers come into the picture?

All this and much, much more on this Episode of the Kosher Conversation

Bonus Content:

Rabbi Yurman has been interviewed in the following magazines:



The Basics of Tzaar Baalei Chayim

Spring 2021

The prohibition to gratuitously cause pain to an animal is known as tzaar baalei chayim. The Gemara presents a debate as to whether this is a Torah or a Rabbinic obligation.1 Most Rishonim pasken that it is forbidden mideoraissa,2 although some Rishonim pasken that it only prohibited midrabonon.3 The Nimukei Yosef suggests that the Torah forbids one to cause an animal significant pain, and the rabonnon extended this and forbade causing less substantial pain as well.4

There is some uncertainty as to the view of the Rambam. The Kesef Mishna states that the Rambam considers tzaar baalei chayim to be a Torah command,5 whereas the Ohr Sameach opines that the Rambam regards it to be a Rabbinic prohibition.6 The Netziv offers a unique resolution of the Rambam’s position. He suggests that the Rambam paskens that it is asur mideoraissa to cause pain to one’s own animals and asur midrabonon […]

The Chaliva Mashgiach Neither Slumbers nor Sleeps

Spring 2021

הנה לא ינום ולא ישן שומר חלב ישראל

10:00 AM, 6:00 PM, 2:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 6:00 PM, 2:00 AM – a virtual ‘dairy-go-round’ on an actual carousel for 1700 satisfied participants, seven days a week, 365 days a year. This scenario bears no resemblance to my Mother’s, ע”ה, family cow that she milked in the shtetl about 90 years ago. What do both scenarios have in common? Both produce Cholov Yisroel milk but, oh, how times have changed! There is so much more that must meet the keen eye of a contemporary Cholov Yisroel mashgiach.

When I grew up in Washington, D.C., Cholov Yisroel was a totally unknown term, an unknown entity, and certainly an unknown milk bottle in the refrigerator. But times have changed. Today, Cholov Yisroel is a burgeoning industry, ranging from ice cream novelties to energy bars. However, some […]

On The Tip of Your Tongue

Spring 2021

“If there is any doubt, ask!” is a mantra that behooves any pulpit rabbi to convey to his kehila regarding kitchen mix-up issues. This is especially true concerning those shailos that involve the erroneous use of uncertified products whose only kashrus concern is that it contains mysterious “natural and artificial flavors”. However, all too often the food is thrown into the garbage before a shaila is asked. Surprising to most, when consumers in this predicament call into the STAR-K hotline, more often than not we can be the bearer of good news.

Before I delve into why, let me share a watershed story that will carry us to the essence of the matter

Where Is The Beef?

In April, 2001, a high profile article entitled, “Where’s the Beef? It Is In Your Fries!” appeared in India West, a popular newspaper and internet site for the North American […]

Thermador Oven Alert

April 7, 2021

BSH Home Appliances has recently discovered a glitch in the
Thermador Professional Series Double Wall Ovens. The Sabbath mode operation is
working properly, but the temperature adjustment allowance during Sabbath mode
is not working once Sabbath is activated.

The following products are affected:




Dbl Oven, 30″, SS, Select


Dbl Oven, 30″, SS, Deluxe, Left Side-Opening


Dbl Oven, 30″, SS, Deluxe, Right Side-Opening


Dbl Oven, 30″, SS, Deluxe


Spec Dbl, 30″, SS, Deluxe, Steam and Convection Oven

This issue can be fixed through
a software update and BSH has already initiated actions to implement the fix
within the factory, as well as an […]

Halachos of Pet Neutering

February 2021

Q: May one ask a vet to spay a pet?

A: I frequently get asked this question. People who have pets often prefer to have them neutered, as this makes the animals more docile. However, there are serious halachic issues associated with this. Poskim differentiate between whether a male or female animal is being neutered. The neutering of a male animal is known as castration, whereas neutering a female animal is called spaying.

The Torah (Vayikra 22:24) states that castrating men and male animals is forbidden. This prohibition is known as sirus.1 It is also forbidden to remove a woman and female animal’s reproductive organs. The Gr”a is of the opinion that this is a Torah prohibition. The Taz, however, feels that causing a female animal to become infertile is permitted. According to the Taz, the reason it is forbidden to remove a female animal’s reproductive organs is solely due […]

Dessert: A Real Bracha!

Kashrus Kurrents, Winter 2021

You are at a חתונה and all of a sudden they roll in the Viennese tables full of cakes, chocolates, ice cream, melons and bread. You are not sure whether or not you should recite a ברכה ראשונה over any of these desserts. The question is equally applicable in your own home whether on Shabbos or any given day of the week: Do I or don’t I need to recite a ברכה over dessert?

The Shulchan Aruch1 states that when one eats bread, all foods which are eaten together with the bread are פטור (exempt) from a ברכה because they are secondary to the bread. Therefore, the ברכה recited over the bread covers any other food that is eaten, as well.

On the other hand, since a dessert is eaten to end the meal with a sweet taste, it is entirely different since the intention is not to […]

A Matter of Public Interest

“Oh, you need a loan to buy a new car? Check out Penn-Atlantic Credit Union. They’re practically giving money away!”

With interest rates of less than half of what is typically offered by a conventional bank, credit unions are a practical and popular choice for many consumers. Credit unions can give these low rates because they are non-profit and cooperatively owned. In order to borrow from a credit union, you must first be a member; every member is a partial owner, with both a financial stake and a vote in how it is run. This arrangement, however, presents a serious halachic concern: ribbis, the Torah prohibition against borrowing and lending of money with interest.

In truth, there is a similar ribbis concern in many bank loans. Mutual savings banks are structured similarly to credit unions; each depositor is a partial owner. The bank essentially acts as a shadchan between the many owners […]

Navigating the Pizza Paradox: Pas or Pas Nisht

Kashrus Kurrents, Winter 2021

If you ask any out-of-town kiruv professional involved in outreach, “What are the two most important community ‘must-haves’ needed to attract baalei teshuvah or create growth in a particular Jewish community?”, nine times out of ten the answer you will get is 1) an eruv and 2) a kosher pizza shop! I can bear witness to this fact. At the beginning of my tenure as executive director of the Vaad Hoer of St. Louis 35 years ago, I sent out a questionnaire to the frum kehilos and the community at large asking what they think would enhance the St. Louis frum community. Believe it or not, the overwhelming response was a kosher pizza shop. Soon thereafter, a kosher pizza shop opened. Subsequently, two community eruvim were also built.

Similarly, over 40 years ago in my shul in Birmingham, Alabama, where the community was too small to support either […]


The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the kosher food industry especially when it comes to making inspections in China and in some other countries that are limiting access to foreigners. Star-K’s approach to this issue making every effort to make in-person inspections of facilities has been highlighted in an article by Bloomberg Businessweek.

“In July STAR-K sent four rabbis via private jet to a fish gelatin facility in Uganda where they quarantined for 14 days to supervise production.”

There’s a lot more to the kosher food industry than Hebrew National hot dogs and Manischewitz wine. Kosher food was a $19.1 billion industry in 2018, according to Allied Market Research, which projects it will grow to $25.6 billion by 2026. Many ordinary products in U.S. supermarkets are certified kosher, with everything from Ben & Jerry’s ice cream to McCormick spices having kashrut symbols, and those labels can provide assurance not just for observant Jews […]

Mashke Yisroel: Liquor L’Mehadrin Comes of Age: A Behind-The-Scenes interview with Star-K Israel’s Director of Kashrus, Rav Aharon Haskel

Kashrus Kurrents, Fall 2020

It is an understatement to say that we as a global society are going through unprecedented times. Due to Covid-19, the word ‘unprecedented’ has taken on new and far-reaching connotations.  On the lighter side, in the relatively new world of kashrus in the liquor industry, ‘unprecedented’ has become an appropriate term.  In general, the world of alcohol has always been shrouded in mystery.  However, during  the past 25 years, there has been a genuine movement towards greater transparency, and kosher research/analysis has made great strides in revealing the underpinnings of  the alluring world of kosher wine and spirits. With the realization that there is significant value in kosher certification, many companies have sought to become certified.  As is the case with any company seeking kosher certification, the company must now reveal their ingredients and processes to their kosher certifier. All information is kept confidential under ‘lock and […]

A Glimpse into the System: Kosher Certification of Industrial Food

Since antediluvian times, when Tuval Kayin began fashioning metal implements (Breishis 4:22), developments in how items were manufactured progressed gradually with only incremental changes. About two-and-a-half centuries ago, with the advent of the Industrial Revolution, that trajectory was rapidly accelerated.1 Since then, continual technological advances have dramatically transformed manufacturing, to the point that modern methods barely resemble antiquated techniques. Food production is no exception.

Unless one was wealthy enough to enjoy spices transported over the Silk Road, pre-industrial food was locally sourced and made with familiar utensils. In stark contrast, much of what we eat today, whether the food itself or its sub-components (which are not necessarily disclosed on ingredient panels), is processed in distant factories on specialized equipment concealed from public view. Technicians wearing lab coats in laboratories serve as part of the contemporary food supply chain alongside the more traditional growers and pickers in the fields. Industrial methods are […]

STAR-K’s Robust Educational Mission Thrives…Even During COVID

STAR-K Kosher Certification’s educational mission is as robust as ever during COVID, as evidenced by the nonprofit agency’s eclectic spring and summer seminars and programs. Target audiences ranged from food processors/exporters and mashgichim to consumers including adults with special needs.

STAR-K’s Rav Hamachshir, HaRav Moshe Heinemann, delivered a shiur on COVID shaylos in his capacity as the Morah D’Asra of Agudath Israel of Baltimore. The Rav also gave a virtual shiur watched around the world on Erev Tisha B’Av, “Being B’Shalom with Everyone”. It was part of Yeshivat Hakotel’s worldwide achdus Torah learning program featuring nine of the world’s chief rabbis and over 100 senior roshei yeshiva, poskim and leading mechanchim and mechanchos from around the globe

Approximately 60 companies in the Dominican Republic participated in STAR-K’s first virtual Zoom seminar. The successful two-hour-plus seminar was conducted entirely in Spanish, introducing the world of Kosher and the advantage of reliable Kosher certification […]