When to Recite Hatov V’Hameitiv Over Wine

Kashrus Kurrents Spring 2016

Q: When is the brocha of Hatov v’Hameitiv recited over wine?

A: Before drinking a cup of wine, one recites the brocha of Borei Pri Hagofen. Under certain circumstances, if a different wine is subsequently drunk one recites an additional blessing – the brocha of Hatov Vehameitiv.1 The brocha gives thanks to Hashem for blessing the person with a richness of wine. The Hebrew text of the brocha is   2ברוך אתה ה’ אלקינו מלך העולם הטוב והמטיב

This brocha is recited only if a number of conditions are met:

If the second wine is of lesser quality than the first wine, Hatov Vehameitiv is not recited.3 There is one exception to this rule. If the first wine is red and the second one is white (but not the other way around), Hatov Vehameitiv is recited even if the second wine is known to be of slightly inferior quality. This […]

A Crystal-Clear Halachic Approach to Glass

Published Spring 2016

Glass is one of nature’s most versatile products created from some of nature’s most prevalent raw materials: sand, soda and lime. In the food industry, glass applications are extremely diverse. Glass can be made into delicate drinking glasses, as well as tough heat resistant ceramic cooktops tops withstanding temperatures over 1000°F.

How is glass made? Basically, the raw ingredients are heated and melted in a large furnace. The molten glass is shaped, blown, or pressed into its desired shape. The finished product is then annealed in an annealing oven and tempered to give the newly formed glass strength and durability.

Although glass can be made to be stronger and less porous than steel, the halachic status of glass remains enigmatic. On the one hand, Chazal recognized the fact that glass is tough, resistant and non-porous. On the other hand, glass raw materials are the same as earthenware which is very porous, extremely […]

What it Takes to Serve Kosher to 18,700 AIPAC Conference Attendees

The Walter E. Washington Convention Center, famous for hosting the official inaugural balls for Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, earned its newest claim to fame, March 20-22, when it hosted the largest Kosher event ever—the 2016 AIPAC Conference. Actually, the 2,300,000-square-foot facility in Washington, D.C., was not large enough for the event which was addressed by Vice President Joe Biden, Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton and Republican presidential hopefuls Senator Ted Cruz, Governor John Kasich, and Donald Trump. The 1,020,000 square foot field Verizon Center and the 105,000 square foot Marriott Marquis, were utilized, as well.

Here are just some of the stats so you can try to fathom what it took for the The Vaad Harabanim of Greater Washington (the “Capitol K”) to ensure the event was kosher: 18,700 attendees; 55 mashgichim; 10 kitchens; 4 caterers; 12,000 lamb chops; 5 actual days of catering; 14 carriers of Kosher […]

White Labs Achieves Kosher Certification for United States Produced House Yeast Strains and Enzymes

SAN DIEGO (April 5, 2016) – White Labs , the premier pure yeast and fermentation lab, is proud to announce that house yeast strains and enzymes produced in the company’s San Diego and Davis, Calif. facilities have been certified kosher by STAR-K. The official kosher certification logo, a star with a “K” inside, may now be seen on the back of all U.S. produced product packaging.

The STAR-K Kosher Certification is a guarantee that White Labs house yeast strains and enzyme ingredients meet all kosher requirements. Those requirements include the Jewish religion’s laws that determine which foods are acceptable and conform to the Jewish Code. To become certified, White Labs worked with STAR-K representatives to evaluate the company’s ingredients and products. As a condition of the certification, STAR-K audits the production facilities regularly throughout the year to ensure kosher compliance.

“Having our house yeast strains and enzymes kosher certified is an investment in our company that we hope our customers will appreciate,” said […]




STAR-K  is happy to announce that ALL Alpine Valley Bread products baked after 3/16/2016 are certified pas yisroel. Products with the number Q076 or higher on the plastic bag fastener were baked after 3/16/2016

Alpine Valley Bread is available at Costco and other major retailers nationwide

STAR-K Speakers Bureau Takes Kashrus on the Road, Near and Far

On January 28, STAR-K Kashrus Administrator Rabbi Sholom Tendler addressed the Shomrei Emunah Night Kollel, in Baltimore, about the practical halachos related to cholov Yisroel and its differing common practices in the field of kashrus. A PowerPoint production detailed STAR-K’s management of cholov Yisroel hashgacha at Kreider Farms.

“Rabbi Tendler’s presentation was the perfect complement for the night kollel’s study of the sugya of cholov Yisroel,” remarked Rabbi Shmuel Iser, Rosh Kollel.  “His clear exposition of the halachos and valuable and in-depth knowledge of issues in the real life field of cholov Yisroel hashgachah were greatly appreciated by the fellows of the night kollel.  It is always a wonderful thing when you can take a sugya you are learning and translate it into the real world.”

Rabbi Tendler was also invited to Detroit, on February 10, to present the latest developments in the world of kashrus and bug infestation, including hands-on cleaning […]

STAR-K Kosher Certified Food Options Take Off at JFK, LaGuardia and Newark Airports

February 2016 | Updated September 2024

Catching a red-eye flight back to JFK after a business meeting in L.A.? Landing in Newark at 5:50 a.m., after a 12-1/2 hour flight from visiting the grandkids in Israel? Leaving for LaGuardia too early to eat breakfast before going on that long-awaited Saint Martin Island vacation? Have no fear, Fresko Green Label is here. No longer do you have to subsist on pretzels and candy marked with a reliable kosher symbol.

The estimated 1.5 million kosher travelers who fly domestically and internationally from JFK, LaGuardia, and Newark airports annually can now avail themselves of a large variety of kosher prepared food options packaged under the Fresko and Yummy Sandwich labels under STAR-K Kosher supervision.

A sampling of the STAR-K certified Fresko/Yummy Sandwich menu includes: grilled chicken salad, southern honey BBQ chicken wrap, fresh roasted turkey sandwich, Cajun turkey sandwich, grilled chicken shawarma wrap, herb grilled chicken sandwich, […]

STAR-K Meat Team: Humane Standards Accreditation

Published Winter 2016

While the act of shechitah itself is an exquisitely humane form of animal slaughter, the manner in which an animal is handled prior to reaching the shochet should also conform with the Torah’s sensitivity for tza’ar ba’alei chaim (the prohibition against causing unnecessary pain and harm to creatures). Our mission to certify meat products of the highest quality was recently enhanced when two prominent members of our meat team, Rabbi Zvi Holland and Rabbi Tzvi Shaul Goldberg, traveled to Iowa in order to take part in an accredited certification program through PAACO (Professional Animal Auditor Certification Organization). Instructors included world renowned experts in the field of animal welfare such as Dr. Temple Grandin, professor of animal science at Colorado State University and consultant to the livestock industry. She is considered a leading authority on animal welfare.

Consumer Confidence

Published Winter 2016

Often when consumers purchase meat from a butcher shop, or eat at a restaurant or catered event, they are unaware of the original hashgacha that certified the meat as kosher at its point of origin. They place their confidence in the retail establishment’s kosher certification to determine the acceptability of the received product.
Some shoppers have a preference for meat produced by specific companies, trusting that this producer always conforms to a single set of kosher standards. However, unbeknownst to the consumer the company may actually produce their products at different locations, supervised by various hashgochos that do not all share the same standards. In January 2016, Congress repealed country-of-origin labeling laws for packaged meat products, making it more difficult for consumers to track where their meat comes from.
STAR-K certified meat/poultry companies and retail establishments consistently satisfy the requirements set by HaRav Moshe Heinemann, shlit”a, regardless of […]

Checklist for Approving a Shechitah Facility

Published Winter 2016

All the knives of the shochtim must be checked to ensure that they are sharp and without even the slightest ‘pegima’. This must be done before and after the shechitah.
There must be a sink with running water near the place of shechitah for the shochtim to sharpen their knives.
Animals may not be prodded to the shechitah box with a plug-in electric prod.
The head restraint in the box which holds the animal during shechitah must be calibrated so that the animal’s head cannot move during shechitah, but not so tightly that it affects the animal’s breathing.
A system must be in place, to track any animal that becomes a nevaila.
Animals may not be stunned at any time after the shechitah.
No hot water may be used on the animals anywhere in the slaughter house.
No electric current may be applied to the animal at any point, including when used to tenderize the […]

Making the Cut: Assuring that Glatt Really Means Kosher

Winter 2016

It is written in our Torah, “Ubosor basodeh treifa lo socheilu” (Shmos 22:30), it is forbidden to eat treif meat.  While the expression “treif” (non-kosher) has become the universal connotation for food that is not kosher, in truth, the word treif specifically refers to an animal whose flesh was torn or ripped.  Technically speaking, if a kosher species of animal or fowl was attacked by a predator, the meat of the victim may be deemed treif.  However, the meat of an animal improperly kosher slaughtered is not treifah, it is called a neveila.  Technically, meat of a non-kosher animal species is the meat of a temeiah.  Yet, the term “treif” has found its way through the portals of the slaughterhouse, as well as the aisles of the non-kosher meat section of the supermarkets.  No matter what the name, all of these categories of meat are forbidden to be eaten.
[...] Read More

Kosher Meat in the Marketplace

Published Winter 2016

Keeping kosher does not preclude being a locavore,[1] but it definitely presents substantial challenges, particularly for omnivores. Barely a handful of communities in the world today still host facilities where kosher meat is processed from slaughter to salting, and sold from steak to salami, all within close proximity to a kosher consumer base. Like most items in the modern marketplace, it’s much more common to find beef and poultry products traveling vast distances from slaughterhouse to processor, and from distributor to retailer, before reaching the dinner table.

The Old Way
This very untraditional configuration has uprooted the once prominent communal fixtures of shochet and bodek (one who checks for abnormalities that render meat treifah). It’s also a complete departure from an extreme version of locavorism that was practiced in many pre-war European kehilos, which legislated bans on ‘sh’chutay chutz’, not allowing meat slaughtered in a different city […]

Approved Without A Hechsher

Listed below are products that do not require kosher certification provided (a) they do not have additives, and (b) (if food items) are not a product of Israel. Food items from Israel need reliable certification. Please review this list regularly for any updates as the information may change.

NOTE: This list is NOT for Passover use

Aluminum Foil

Applesauce – Plain Only  (even with high fructose corn syrup and vitamins)

Baking Powder

Baking Soda

domestic, unflavored



Carob Powder

[...] Read More

Cleveland: Graeter’s coming to Crocker Park Next Summer


Graeter’s first Cleveland location will offer ice cream, sundaes, milkshakes and old-fashioned sodas, all with a star-D kosher rating.

Graeter’s, which opened in Cincinnati in 1870, plans to open an ice cream parlor in Crocker Park in Westlake next summer.

“Our first Cleveland scoop shop will allow us to share our love for authentic ice cream with the community while staying true to our vision of quality and integrity,” Richard Graeter, fourth-generation owner of Graeter’s Ice Cream, said in a news release.

The 2,000-square-foot store will look like an old-fashioned ice cream parlor, accommodating up to 50, according to the release.

“It’s still in the relatively early stages,” Chip Graeter, chief of retail operations for Graeter’, said about the Westlake location. “We’re still setting up all the details with the lease and making sure all of our T’s are crossed and our I’s are […]


Choisir le bon organisme
Pour commencer…
Termes de négociation

Choisir le bon organisme

Comment trouver la certification Kasher la plus adaptée aux besoins spécifiques de votre entreprise ?

Si les besoins de votre société dans le domaine du Kasher ne peuvent être satisfaits par une équipe rabbinique locale, trouver et comparer les points forts des différentes certifications pourra vite devenir pour le moins déconcertant. Les organismes de certification Kasher ne sont pas tous les mêmes !

Il est très important d’entreprendre cette sélection comme vous choisiriez un avocat, un consultant financier, ou un cadre. Vous devrez faire votre part du travail ! En posant les bonnes questions et en explorant toutes les options disponibles sur le marché du Kasher, vous éviterez à votre entreprise une expérience désagréable et coûteuse.

Pour commencer…

Avant de commencer à vous informer et à peser le pour et contre des différentes agences de certification (cela […]


Depuis 25 ans, la demande de produits Kasher est en très forte augmentation. Plus spécifiquement, le marché du Kasher croît à raison de 15% par an depuis plusieurs années.

Le consommateur Kasher
Le marché de clientèle juive
La communauté musulmane
Autres confessions religieuses
Intolérants au lactose
Garantie de qualité

Le consommateur Kasher
Des millions de gens à travers le monde sélectionnent leurs achats alimentaires en recherchant le symbole Kasher pour être certains que leurs exigences sont respectées. D’après des études de marché récentes, l’attrait des aliments Kasher ne se limite pas à un groupe ethnique donné. Les consommateurs d’aliments Kasher peuvent être Juifs, Musulmans, membres d’autres confessions religieuses, végétariens, intolérants au lactose, ou simplement des gens qui comprennent que “Kasher, c’est mieux”.

Le marché de clientèle juive
Les consommateurs juifs forment environ 45% du marché Kasher. Selon l’entreprise Integrated Marketing Communications, il y aurait 2,5 millions de Juifs consommateurs de […]






このプロセスでは、弁護士・財務顧問・事業の要となる社員などを選ぶ際に用いるのと同じようなやり方で取り組むことが非常に大切です。つまり、手をぬかないということです! 適切な質問をし、コーシャ市場に存在するすべてのオプションを検討することで、のちのち不愉快な思いをしたり、余計な費用がかかったりといった事態を避けることができるかもしれません。


































セブンスデー・アドベンチスト教会をはじめ、キリスト教の教派の中には、ユダヤ教と同じような食事規定を守っているところがあります。例えば、セブンスデー・アドベンチスト教会では、豚肉が許されていません。食品につけられたコーシャマークは、これらの人々の食事に対 する懸念が解消されたこと、その食品が許されていることを保証します。

何百万人もの人々が、乳糖不耐症を患っています。また、乳製品に対してアレルギーがある人たちは、乳を使った原材料をほんの少量摂取しただけで、死の危険にさらされる可能性があります。コーシャ規定では、肉と乳を完全に分けることが要求されます。ですから、乳製品(dairy product)を含む食品は、コーシャマークと共にDの文字が表記されていなければなりません。Dの文字がない場合、またはパラベ(Pareve:ヘブライ語で「中立の」を意味する)の指定がある場合は、その食品が乳製品を含まないことを保証しています。乳糖不耐症や乳アレルギーを持つ消費者がコーシャマークを探すのは、その食品が乳を使った原材料とどんな接触も持たなかったことを保証しているからです。



STAR-K Kosher Certification Hosts Winter Mashgichim Review Seminar




On December 24, STAR-K Kosher Certification held its annual Winter Mashgichim Review Seminar at its Baltimore offices.  STAR-K Kashrus Administrators Rabbis Mayer Kurcfeld and Sholom Tendler conducted the day-long sessions with the goal of bringing together food service mashgichim to inform, review, and reinforce STAR-K food service policies and procedures. Attendees came from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, D.C., and the Baltimore area.

“Everybody at the STAR-K knows that the mashgichim out in the field are the eyes and ears of our organization and even though STAR-K is a large kashrus organization and gives hashgachos all over the world, food service—which is a relatively small part of STAR-K’s activities—is probably the most important thing that we do,” noted STAR-K president Avrom Pollak, in his opening welcome statement. “The most important part of the program has always been the give and take sessions between the mashgichim themselves, and the […]

The Family that Makes Kosher Together


At Muhlenberg College’s dining hall, Jonathan Powers turns on the ovens, makes sure the eggs contain no blood spots, and inspects the broccoli and cauliflower for forbidden pests.

They are some of his duties as the Allentown college’s mashgiach, a Jew who supervises a food establishment to make sure the dietary laws of his faith are followed.

“We’re here to make sure everything is kosher,” explains Powers, 41, “and that all the food that comes in is kosher.”

The college hired him five years ago when it opened two kosher food stations in its new dining hall in an effort to better serve Jewish students.

For Powers, the work is a family tradition; his mother, Louise, 66, is a kosher supervisor at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pa., and his father, Mark, 66, holds the job at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster.

Nearly a third of Muhlenberg’s 2,200 students are Jewish, among the highest percentages […]

Il Mercato Kosher

Nel corso degli ultimi venticinque anni, la domanda di prodotti dotati di una certifcazione Kosher è aumentata drammaticamente. Più precisamente il mercato Kosher è cresciuto ad un tasso annuo del 15% negli ultimi anni.

I Consumatori Kosher
Il Mercato Ebraico
La Comunità Islamica
Altre Confessioni Religiose
Intolleranti al Lattosio
Garanzia di Qualità

I Consumatori Kosher
Milioni di persone in tutto il mondo limitano il proprio consumo di cibo e rivolgono il loro sguardo al simbolo Kosher per assicurarsi che le loro preferenze vengano soddisfatte. Secondo alcune ricerche di mercato, lattrazione nei confronti del cibo Kosher va ben oltre linteresse di uno specifico gruppo etnico. I consumatori di cibo Kosher comprendono ebrei, musulmani, membri di altre confessioni religiose, vegetariani, persone con intolleranza al lattosio e tutti coloro che comprendono che “Kosher è meglio”.

Il Mercato Ebraico
consumatori ebraici costituiscono quasi il45% del mercato Kosher. La Comunicazione Integrata diImpresa rivela che circa […]

Come Scegliere una Certificazione Kosher

Scegliere la Giusta Agenzia
Termini di Contrattazione

Scegliere la Giusta Agenzia

Come trovare la certificazione Kosher più adatta alle specifiche necessità della tua azienda?

A meno che non si disponga di unattività commerciale le cui esigenze Kosher possano essere soddisfatte da un consiglio rabbinico locale, si avrà lingrato compito di dover confrontare pregi e difetti delle differenti certificazioni offerte, scoprendo che non tutte le organizzazioni che rilasciano certificazioni Kosher sono uguali!

Lapproccio a questo tipo di processo dovrebbe risutare molto simile a quello che si utilizzerebbe per scegliere un avvocato, un consulente finanziario o un importante dipendente. È quindi fondamentale informarsi a 365 gradi. Fare le domande giuste ed esplorare tutte le opzioni disponibili nel mercato Kosher, può risparmiare alla tua azienda un’esperienza spiacevole e costosa in termini economici.


Prima di avviare il processo di studio e comparazione degli aspetti positivi e negativi che contraddistinguono le diverse agenzie […]

Wie wählt man eine Koscher-Zertifizierung

Die Wahl der richtigen Agentur
Zu Beginn…

Die Wahl der richtigen Agentur

Wie findet man die angemessene Koscherzertifizierung, um die speziellen Anforderungen Ihrer Firma zu erfüllen?

Sofern Sie kein Unternehmen haben, dessen koscher Bedürfnisse durch ein lokales Rabbinat erfüllt werden können, sind Sie am Anfang einer verwirrenden Reise, beim Versuch die Vorzüge der verschiedenen Zertifizierungen zu vergleichen. Nicht alle Organisationen der Koscherzertifizierung sind identisch!

Es ist sehr wichtig diesen Prozess ähnlich wie die Suche nach einem Anwalt, Finanzberater oder wichtigen Angestellten anzugehen. Kurz gesagt, machen Sie Ihren Job! Das Stellen der richtigen Fragen, und die Erforschung aller möglichen Optionen auf dem Koschermarkt, können Ihrem Unternehmen unangenehme und teure Erfahrungen ersparen.

Zu Beginn…

Bevor Sie anfangen die verschiedenen Zertifizierungsagenturen zu interviewen, und deren Vor- und Nachteile gegeneinander abwägen (Gleiches gilt auch, wenn Sie bereits über eine Zertifizierung verfügen, und einen Wechsel in Betracht ziehen), müssen Sie wissen, dass eine […]

Der koschere Markt

In den letzten fünfundzwanzig Jahren ist der Bedarf an koscher zertifizierten Produkten drastisch angestiegen. Genauer gesagt, der koschere Markt hat sich mit einer jährlichen Rate von 15% in den letzten Jahren vergrößert.

Der koschere Konsument
Der jüdische Markt
Die islamische Gemeinschaft
Andere religiöse Gruppierungen

Der koschere Konsument
Millionen Menschen auf der Welt schränken Ihren Lebensmittelverzehr ein, und suchen nach dem Koscherzeichen, um sicherzugehen, dass Ihre Präferenzen erfüllt werden. Laut Marktforschungsstudien, überschreitet die Attraktivität von koscheren Lebensmitteln die Interessen von einer spezifischen ethnischen Gruppe. Konsumenten von koscheren Lebensmitteln sind Juden, Muslime, Angehörige anderer religiösen Gruppierungen, Vegetarier, Menschen mit Laktoseintoleranz und solche, die verstehen, dass “Koscher besser ist”.

Der jüdische Markt
Jüdische Konsumenten machen fast 45% des koscheren Marktes aus. Die firmeneigene Marketingkommunikation zeigt, dass etwa 2,5 Millionen Juden koschere Lebensmittel konsumieren.

Die islamische Gemeinschaft
Millionen von Muslimen auf der Welt folgen einer Ernährung, ähnlich den Koschergesetzen. Koscher […]

Congratulations to 3 of our Companies on their Kosherfest wins!


Congratulations to the following 3 companies for winning the Kosherfest new product competition!

Shay’s Chocolate– Dairy Caramel Popcorn (Sweet Snacks Category)
Ceres (Stanmar International)- Fruit Juice (Beverages- Non-Alcoholic)
Froozer/Cool Frootz, LLC (Frozen Desserts)